Custom citation style, possible in Logos 8?

Duncan Campbell
Duncan Campbell Member Posts: 132 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


The Theological College where I am currently studying use a unique citation style, which is somewhat close to ‘Chicago” but does have some clear differences. At the moment, I am having to let Logos create my bibliography in Chicago style, and then manually go through each reference and amend it.

My question is: Does anyone know if it is possible to create a custom citation style in Logos 8, or is there some workaround, that would save me having to spend all the time amending the bibliography?

I appreciate any help or advice.





  • Levi Durfey
    Levi Durfey Member Posts: 2,215 ✭✭✭

    Hi Duncan,

    I am sorry, but there is no way to make custom citations (aside from biblical ones in the Copy Verses Tool). It would make a great feature suggestion.

    Do others at your college have the same issue? I wonder if a group of you could talk to the college leadership about adopting a more standardized style?