Passage Guide - rerun a search with new priotized books

In B2 I set my prioritized commentaries so when I ran a search in passage guide they were the top commentaries listed.
I updated to B3 and ran a search and random commentaries appeared.
It ends up that my prioritized resources are gone. Not a problem, its a Beta so something changed and they were lost (unless they should have been save and this can be a bug report)
I then set them again from the Library.
Now I want to rerun the search with the new prioritized resources coming to the top. I can't.
I try just telling the passage guide to rerun it, nothing. I close the passage guide and rerun the search, it does rerun it, but brings the same random resources.
Finally I hit "More" and it shows more resources with my prioritized resources being at the top of the growing list.
Action Point:
There needs to be a way to rerun a search with new prioritized resources.
Losing priorities from version to version may also need looked into, but since it is a Beta, perhaps that was a known issue due to some change to the program that will not be an issue in the official release. - Simple Abundant Legacy
Hi Rob,
First, regarding the loss of prioritizations, a note was added on 9/22 to the top of the Beta 3 Release notes thread: It says: Prioritized Resources may be lost after upgrading; while there is no way to export the existing settings, it may be useful to take a screenshot of your current resource prioritizations.
I tried to reproduce the problem you're seeing with prioritized commentaries in Passage Guide, but I'm finding that the changes to my priority list are putting those resources at the top, without having to click 'more'. Can you tell me which commentaries you have prioritized? If any are part of a series, did you prioritize just one in the series or the whole series?
Melissa0 -
Hello Melissa,
As I mentioned I figured it was just an issue with the Beta update. No problem. I am glad it is not a bug to have to fix. I try to keep up with the forum, but with so many messages, it just isn't happening. I checked the release notes before updated to B2, but B3 updated automatically so I didn't have a chance to see the release notes first.
I ended up solving the problem by finding the "refresh passage guide" (or something like that, I am not on the computer with L4 and can't check the wording), in the box in the upper left hand corner of the passage guide. It then refreshed every thing and was correct.
It isn't really an error, but something that may need addressed. Closing the passage guide doesn't reset it. It remembers its settings for quicker reload. (At least it seems that way.) This is nice since it speeds things up if you want to get the same PG back. However, in the rare instance (like I had) where I make changes, then try to reload it, those changes aren't applied, even with rerunning the passage guide. (I am not sure, but I assume shutting down L4 and reopening it will make the PG rerun. Now that I know the "Refresh" button is there, this won't be an issue. But if someone doesn't know it is there, they won't even know to look for it (as I didn't).
There are several options:
1. Have a "reload" button on the front of the passage guide (more convenient, but takes space and will rarely be used -- probably not the best choice)
2. Have the PG reload if you click to run it again (like it would if you entered a different verse) (An intuitive answer, but having the past few passage guide results remembered for faster loading is also nice -- a possible solution)
3. Have the PG reload when it is shut down and restarted (similar pros and cons to #2)
4. Mention the "Reload" button in a future introduction video/instruction booklet that may come with base packages (Not as effective as #2,3, but with the benefits of having the PG results saved and not needing to reload if you leave that PG and want to return right away, and with this being a rare situation once people have their prioritizations set, this is probably the best answer.)
Basically, most people probably won't run into this issue since they won't change their prioritizatons that often after the first few weeks of using the program. It may be niced to have the "Refresh" link pointed out, but once someone discovers it they will know it is there for the future.
Note: I don' think it is useful at this point, but some of my prioritized commentaries are "WBC, UBS Handbooks, Nelsons Illustrated, The Bible Knowledge Commentary, New American Commentary, IVP Bible background (not necessarily in that order since I did the prioritizations quickly just to see how they work.
Rob - Simple Abundant Legacy
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Melissa Snyder said:
I tried to reproduce the problem you're seeing with prioritized commentaries in Passage Guide, but I'm finding that the changes to my priority list are putting those resources at the top, without having to click 'more'.
I won't Prioritize Commentaries until this "mess" of a list is made simpler. I have commentaries and BDB Lexicon appear on the context menu for an English word, so I put in some English resources (Harper's Bible Dict, Vine's OT & NT Words, MW) after my bibles and then find that Vine's comes top of my Lexicons for a Greek word because original language resources follow all my English resources! So now I have to restrict Vine's to English! I put Strong's in the list only to find that Strong's numbers are taken over by the DBL Lexicons. If I put Strong's over the DBL Lexicons I have to restrict it to Strong's numbers, which means putting two entries for Greek Strong's and Hebrew Strong's to stop it being used as primary Greek resource. But I can't put 2 physical entries of Strong's into the list, let alone a third one so that it may also be used as a Hebrew lexicon AND I can only restrict it to one data type. So I put Strong's below Hebrew lexicons and let the DBL lexicons handle Strong's numbers as part of their data type repetoire.
I hope some enhancements to this spotty list are forthcoming because I'm constantly trying to fill the cracks of its limitations as inappropriate resources keep popping up for specific data types that were very well handled by v3!
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
I won't Prioritize Commentaries until this "mess" of a list is made simpler. I have commentaries and BDB Lexicon appear on the context menu for an English word, so I put in some English resources (Harper's Bible Dict, Vine's OT & NT Words, MW) after my bibles and then find that Vine's comes top of my Lexicons for a Greek word because original language resources follow all my English resources! So now I have to restrict Vine's to English! I put Strong's in the list only to find that Strong's numbers are taken over by the DBL Lexicons. If I put Strong's over the DBL Lexicons I have to restrict it to Strong's numbers, which means putting two entries for Greek Strong's and Hebrew Strong's to stop it being used as primary Greek resource. But I can't put 2 physical entries of Strong's into the list, let alone a third one so that it may also be used as a Hebrew lexicon AND I can only restrict it to one data type. So I put Strong's below Hebrew lexicons and let the DBL lexicons handle Strong's numbers as part of their data type repetoire.
I hope some enhancements to this spotty list are forthcoming because I'm constantly trying to fill the cracks of its limitations as inappropriate resources keep popping up for specific data types that were very well handled by v3!
And this is being sold to us as easier to manager than L3!