Notes do not show the page number in the resource

I wish a note would indicate the page number in the resource where the highlight or note appears. For example, I have taken extensive highlights and notes in Grudem's Systematic Theology, but each note only indicates "Grudems ST" in blue at the top of the note or highlight. The only way I can find out where the note comes from is to click on this blue title.
It would also be great if there were an exact date and time for each note, rather than something vague such as "2 years ago". Often I want to find a note a took on a certain date or during a period of time.
I also wonder if there is any way to navigate back to a previous note as you can when you jump around within a resource, such as a book or Bible. The history only records that I was in the Notes, not what note I had viewed. I had scrolled through hundreds of notes and found one I wanted to review the section of the book it came from, but then when I moved on to other notes, I could not find the note again. It would be great if there were a forward and back arrow to go to a previous note. This is more important now that all of the notes are grouped together rather than in separate documents as in L7 and earlier.
Harry Hahne said:
It would also be great if there were an exact date and time for each note, rather than something vague such as "2 years ago". Often I want to find a note a took on a certain date or during a period of time.
The exact timestamp (down to the second) is part of the note record and can be found using a SQLite manager to open the notes.db file (of course unsupported and discouraged 🤨). I really think we should have access to this metadata in the UI and have asked for it. I know the current thrust is feature parity with the old system, but let's not forget this!