Lectionary Card

Stephen Kao
Stephen Kao Member Posts: 89
edited November 2024 in English Forum


I have some issue with the lectionary card in the dashboard on my iOS app. 

The reading displayed is about 12 hours behind my local time. For example on early Saturday morning the card still show the reading for Friday. But if I click the card, open the lectionary, (which took me to Fridays reading) goto the beginning of the resource and click Todays Reading it will take me to Saturday reading.

I said it look like 12 hours behind is because about lunch time it card will show the reading for the correct day.

Could this be a time zone issue? as I live in New Zealand, that maybe why the reading is about 12 hours behind, does anyone else have the same issue?

One thing to note is my personal Bible reading is working OK. 

The lectionary card is add by clicking the plus sign at the dashboard section on the home screen. I try few lectionary resource all have the same issue, not only limited to one.

BTW the lectionary resource I use is the daily reading one, and this does not happen in desktop application.

God bless
