Faithlife Sites suggestions

1. Make it easy to create a bilingual website. e.g. like those sites that has a 中/Eng button to choose subdomain between zh and en. Even better, trilingual and more (such as en, zht, zhs.)
2. Allow arbitrary markdown content, rather than richtext only. Markdown is somewhat the de facto standard for generating websites. There are many markdown parsers available, and unfortunately many variants of markdown. However, you can stick with commonmark as a common markdown format to support, as is the original purpose of commonmark (a standardized, strongly spec markdown language.) Commonmark parsers exist in many languages natively, including JS, C, Haskell, etc.
The same markdown support can benefits this forum by the way. Often time people gave a switch between richtext and markdown.
Hello Kolen,
Thanks for sharing some feedback, I'll pass it forward to the Sites development team!