Synchronizing high lighting

Is there a way to synchronize high lights in all open or un-opened Bibles. For instance; I have the Complete Jewish Bible, NLT, and the ESV open.
Is that anyway to high light a word or verse in one Bible and automatically have it high lighted in the others without me actually having to go to each individual book and do the same?
What you're wanting to do is called "Corresponding Highlights". It works only on Bibles with Reverse Interlinears, so the CJB wouldn't work. This feature has been restored in 8.3 which will ship to the stable channel on the 4th of March.
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I should clarify that the "Corresponding highlights" is only needed for text selection highlights. If you were to highlight a verse via the reference (anchored to a reference), this highlight can be displayed in any Bible.
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Ok, but I'm not quite sure what you're saying.
Are you saying that only bibles that have reverse interlinears can do sync high lighting?
maybe you could give me an illustration of this pls?
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Ok, here are a couple screenshots that hopefully make it clear (let me know if otherwise).
The following visual filter needs to be enabled in all Bibles you wish to use it in.
When a note/highlight is anchored to a reference, it will appear in all Bibles.
When a note/highlight is anchored to a text selection, that is only available (via Corresponding highlights) in the bibles that have an RI.
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Nice! That certainly does help. Thanks.