How to set the default note settings (not formatting)

I've been learning the new notes feature and really liking it so far. But I'm finding it frustrating when I create a new note because there are two settings that don't seem to follow any logical rules.
When I create a new note, I want to be able to set the default note icon (as the blank note icon) and a default highlight style (as "use icon colour"). At present, it comes up randomly and I have to change these settings on every single note I write...
Any insights would be much appreciated.
Gold: Logos 8 | Bronze: Logos 9, Baptist, Reformed, Ordinariate | Starter: Messianic Jewish, Eastern Rite | Academic: Premium
Which version are you running? IIRC, as of 8.2 the note icon and color default to the last used setting, so if you change your most recently created note icon to a blue circle, for example, the next note you create will be created with a blue circle.
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Reuben Helmuth said:
Which version are you running? IIRC, as of 8.2 the note icon and color default to the last used setting, so if you change your most recently created note icon to a blue circle, for example, the next note you create will be created with a blue circle.
I'm running 8.2. Yeah, I would have expected that, but it's not doing that in my case. Both in the desktop app and on my android apps (verbum, logos, Faithlife Ebook), it seems to have no memory of what I did last for these two selections only.
Gold: Logos 8 | Bronze: Logos 9, Baptist, Reformed, Ordinariate | Starter: Messianic Jewish, Eastern Rite | Academic: Premium
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Jason Harris said:
I'm running 8.2. Yeah, I would have expected that, but it's not doing that in my case. (...) it seems to have no memory of what I did last
"What I did last" is a broad category, especially if you include several platforms into that. But sticking to the desktop for a moment: if you make a note in a resource, then go into the notes tool, go to the most recent note you just made - should be on top in 8.2 - and change the note icon and note icon color (e.g. make a blue star instead of a yellow stick-it), and then go to the resource, select something and right-click and "add a note", what happens?
Maybe you could share screenshots and a logos.log file in case the new note icon is not the updated color and icon style.
EDIT: clarified that the setting is kept for the note icon only in 8.2 - red box in the screenshot. If you want a highlight style preserved along with the note icon, this is possible in 8.3 latest beta (blue box), expected to go live early March
Have joy in the Lord!
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NB.Mick said:
change the note icon and note color
There was an issue in the beta with this, but I assumed it got fixed. It's worth a try, though! Make sure to change both the icon shape and color of your most recently created note. Note: If this clears it up, you won't need to do both on subsequent changes.
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Alright. Did that and the icon itself does seem to be working properly on the desktop. But not in the android app.
The "highlight style" always, both on desktop and phone, comes up as none (the crossed out circle).
Gold: Logos 8 | Bronze: Logos 9, Baptist, Reformed, Ordinariate | Starter: Messianic Jewish, Eastern Rite | Academic: Premium
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For the log, you just want the cef file?
Gold: Logos 8 | Bronze: Logos 9, Baptist, Reformed, Ordinariate | Starter: Messianic Jewish, Eastern Rite | Academic: Premium
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Jason Harris said:
Alright. Did that and the icon itself does seem to be working properly on the desktop.
Good to hear!
Jason Harris said:But not in the android app.
Sorry, I can't help you with that, I use it only infrequently. Notes should sync between those, but I'm not aware about functionality of the apps.
Jason Harris said:The "highlight style" always, both on desktop and phone, comes up as none (the crossed out circle).
I edited my post above to make this clear. The persistent highlighter style is coming with 8.3 and currently works in beta.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Jason, see NB.Mick's edit concerning the highlight style. If you want this before March 4, you'll need to join the beta program.
The mobile apps are on their own release program and I'm not sure when this will make it to mobile. It might be good to start a new thread in the mobile forum.
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Brilliant! Thanks for your help guys. Will look forward to 8.3!
The notes on the phone apps are still quite buggy. More than just this issue. Hopefully that will improve soon as well.
Gold: Logos 8 | Bronze: Logos 9, Baptist, Reformed, Ordinariate | Starter: Messianic Jewish, Eastern Rite | Academic: Premium
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Jason Harris said:
For the log, you just want the cef file?
I personally never had use for the cef file (but Logos may see things from it). In case of bugs, it often helps to see the logos.log file, which is only invoked if you start Logos holding CTRL pressed (or turn it on permanently, as I usually have). See for details.
But it seems your system works as intended for the L8.2 stable version.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Same here on my latest install of Android app, Samsung Galaxy Note 9. Each time I add a note, I have to select my favourite highlight, icon and notebook. Logos does not remember the prevoius setting and always starts wit yellow paper icon, no highlight and no notebook. This is within one app session AND when running the app repeatedly
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Hi Jakub- and welcome to the forums
This feature is currently in beta testing on the mobile apps - please see for announcement for Android devices.
I don’t know when this will ship to the stable version.
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Before the new notes tool this worked as expected in mobile apps.
FL broke mobile apps with the new notes tool giving no thought to the impact upon the workflow of regular users of mobile apps, then took far too long to acknowledge they broke it. in doing this they showed a total lack of understanding and respect of users needs and the ‘fix’ is taking far too long to be made available to users.
I have never experienced a software company treat users with so little respect as this is not an isolated incident when it comes to how they do software development. The Logos Research Systems of the past never dished out such poor software updated like FL as they are known today do.
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Does this happen in 8.10 SR1? I have not experienced this behavior.
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I joined as a beta tester and you are right, in the newest beta the issues has been fixed! Thank you for good advice!