Android Looking up words plus pronunciation

Michael G Parry-Thomas
Michael G Parry-Thomas Member Posts: 417 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi everyone

I use the logos Android Bible app mostly in the evening, some times when my dyslexia gets the better of me, I need to quickly look up a word meaning and sometimes have it read out to me, the Bible app will look up a word by selecting a word. than a floating tool bar I click on info next a small window pop's up with the word I am interested in with other options ( search) or ( Bible word study) I select search then a new page is opened (basic search starts to find more information about the word meaning by using the dictionaries resources. Then I have to close the search page All this takes time, what is missing in the Android Bible app is a simple way to use some dictionaries in a separate app to look up info on words To over come this problem I have to use another app I open the logos Android app, open a layout with the resources I'm interested in Then I open a Android app called universal Dictionary (dict box) in the settings menu select the pop up window which puts a small floating icon on top of the logos Android Bible app When I need to quickly look up a word meaning I select the word than the logos floating tool bar comes up I then select copy All I have to do is click on the dictionary floating icon A floating window will open with all the word meanings and a audio pronunciation I just click on the Bible resource page and the window with the word meaning disappears The simple procedure is (select a word) in logos Bible then (select copy) then (click on the floating dictionary icon) then you get there meaning of the word then to close the window touch the resource page in Logos, the window disappears ready for the next word to be looked up there is a host of other features in this universal dictionary app, there is a translation module which you can have words spoken out in Greek Hebrew and any other language you can think of I do wish logos would make an app like this using the dictionary resources we have in our library Sorry about the lack of punctuation and any word errors as I'm using speech recognition software to compile this message
