Personal books bug /annoyance

George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Here is the sequence.

1. Add the docx file and click the "Build book" button. The compilation works fine. Indexing is successful.

2. Close the book.

3. Edit the docx file for the same book and save the file.

4. Click "Build book".  Build failed with 2 errors.

[Info] Starting build for PBB:c9df8b89178f4595ae1c305ed6bcc342
[Error] Error while building book: Could not remove existing resource. Please close all other open panels and try again.
[Error] Exception: LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookBuilderException: Could not remove existing resource. Please close all other open panels and try again.
   at LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookConverter.<CreatePersonalBookWork>d__2.MoveNext()
   at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkerTask`1.EnumMoveNext()
   at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkerTask`1.EnumMoveNextWithCatch()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkItem.Verify()
   at LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookViewModel.<CreatePersonalBookWork>d__137.MoveNext()

It happens to me every time. The only way to fix it, is to shut down Logos and then restart it, or shut down Logos, delete the personal book and restart Logos.

The issue doesn't have anything to do with the docx file. The same thing happens if you select an old personal book click "build book", let it finish the compilation process and indexing, close the book and wait 30 seconds and then click on "Build book" again.

Does someone else see this or is it just me?

