Popup on NT bible references contains text from wrong bible version

While popups on OT bible references show the content from my preferred bible (Elberfelder Übersetzung) all NT references cite another bible version. What's going wrong?
Is your preferred Bible also prioritized? That shouldn't make a difference, since it is your preferred Bible, but it is worth a shot.
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Yes, it is also prioritized. No idea what to do [*-)]
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Thanks, we're on it. We need to rebuild the Bible to fix this. A number of the German Bibles use the BHS versification for the OT. Logos 4 doesn't allow one to make reference like BibleBHS:Matthew 1:1, which, while odd, did work in Libronix DLS 3. Instead, in Logos 4, we'll have a custom versemap for the Elberfelder.
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Thank you, that will help!
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I discovered that other German bibles are affected, too, like "Menge", "Einheitsübersetzung", "Luther 1984", "Gute Nachricht Bibel".
Additional information: If those bible versions are opened, you cannot jump to any NT verse by entering the reference.