[Suggestion ...and a question] Use the Systematic Theology Tool Backwards?
The systematic theology tool is great, but I would love the ability to use it backwards. For example, currently if you place the tool into one of your guides, you can see which systematic theologies (and section heads in them) you own cite the scripture that the guide is activated for.
Conversely, I would love the ability to cite the theological subject, and see the scripture that my resources cite. The data is all there as far as I know, there just needs to be a way to see it! Would anyone else like something like this?
I've tried the 'sermon starter guide' as a sort of work around (let me know if there's a better tool) but there are so many scriptures it cites its a bit overwhelming... (for example on subject: scripture)
If I am reading this correctly, I think the Theology Guide does what you are looking for. The problem is that they are still tagging all of the Systematic Theologies and (I think) hope to have it done by the end of the year.