Sermon Editor bug (some kind of view reset?)

I did a search for "sermon editor bug" and did not find the bug I am currently encountering. If this has already been posted, I apologize.
I am adding my notes via copy/paste into the editor. This is my first time using the editor in a long time.
I turned off the view for "slides" and "speaker markup"
I turn on the "outline" view
As I am pasting in my notes I add in the headings for the outline and tab where needed.
Every 30 seconds or so, I am scrolled back to the top, the outline view is turned off and the slides and speaker mark up are turned on.
I do not understand why this is happening.
Still happening... any ideas? Maybe I did not explain it well?
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Christopher S Macy said:
Still happening... any ideas? Maybe I did not explain it well?
You did explain it well - but I can't fully reproduce it.
There is a bug in the sermon editor - it has been around for some time - where, sometimes, moving your cursor out of the editor across to another panel will reset the position of the sermon editor. So if you move it out near the top of the editor, it can reposition itself to the top. I wonder if this explains part of what you are seeing.
But I don't understand why the views are being reset.
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Could be that, I'll check to see this afternoon. Thank you Graham for the reply.