Combine Two (or more) Series
I'd like to combine or link two series together. In this case it's an OT commentary and NT commentary series. Can anyone tell me if this is possible and how do I do it please?
Jonathan West said:
I'd like to combine or link two series together. In this case it's an OT commentary and NT commentary series. Can anyone tell me if this is possible and how do I do it please?
Yes, it's possible. These are the steps:
- In your library, click on the (i) icon to ensure the information panel is showing.
- Use the filter to ensure only the books you want to change are showing.
- Select all those books. Easiest way: select one of them and then press CTRL+A (CMD+a on a Mac).
- In the information panel, look for the series section, and click on the pencil. Type in your new series name and press ENTER.
- Repeat for the other series if necessary.
PS: Combining an OT and NT series is fine, but you shouldn't create series where there's overlap between the two series.
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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You are not linking two series together, but putting resources into a new series of your making.
Go to library, select the resources, open the information window and scroll down to series. You would then name the series you want for those resources. Keep in mind only one series per resource. If you change the series of a commentary that is already assigned and want to change it back, you just delete your series name.
I have used this with individual resources rather than entire commentary series, but if you rename the series in all of the commentaries it should work.
Hope this helps.
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Jonathan West said:
combine or link two series together
Mark's and John's explanations are solid.
For those who don't know about doing something like this, it can be *extremely* useful. Here's an example if you don't know what I'm talking about.
Say you have a Bible window open on the right and a commentary series on the left. Let's say the commentary series is Tyndale NTC. You are reading in John and you jump to Acts. The commentary window jumps with you, opening the Acts commentary automatically. Now let's say you jump over to Leviticus to look at an OT quotation. Your commentary stays in Acts and doesn't follow, because there isn't a Leviticus commentary in the Tyndale NTC set.
Creating a new series using (for example) the Tyndale NTC and Tyndale OTC means when you jump from Acts to Leviticus, the commentary window follows automatically and opens the Leviticus commentary at the verse in Leviticus where your jumped in your bible.
Pretty nifty.
I've used this method since about L5. I have an eclectic set of my favorite commentaries on each book (actually four sets). One set is exegetical, one is more scholarly, and one is keyed more to original language. I call them Favcom1, Favcom2, etc. So I can then open a window (or two, or three) and these follow along as I jump around in my bible text.
And don't worry about changing the series names given by FL. As soon as you delete your new series name, the factory default won't lose it!
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.
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Brilliant, thanks guys for the quick replies. Makes sense. I didn't even know you change the name of a series!!! And that it reverts to the default if you delete your own name is excellent.
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"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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So I could use this method to create my own prefered commentary set mix and matching individual volumes from different series?
Scripture set to music for worship and aid memorization.
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Jeremy White said:
So I could use this method to create my own prefered commentary set mix and matching individual volumes from different series?
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
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Jeremy White said:
So I could use this method to create my own prefered commentary set mix and matching individual volumes from different series?
Absolutely. I've used it this way for about 10 years.
Eating a steady diet of government cheese, and living in a van down by the river.