To all MB/anabaptists brothers and sisters

i know there's not a specific "anabaptist" theology but for those who have attended an MB university or seminary was there a systematic or biblical theology that you used?
I was holding off on replying to this thread in hopes others might respond because my particular conference doesn't attend college or seminary. The young people may attend Bible School where they study early Anabaptist writings on certain subjects but that is about it.
However, have you looked at Thomas Finger's "A Contemporary Anabaptist Theology"? I'll include the Table of Contents screen shots below.
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You may also find "Bible Doctrine: A Treatise on the Great Doctrines of the Bible, Pertaining to God, Angels, Satan, the Church, and the Salvation, Duties and Destiny of Man" helpful. This is an older theology of Mennonite doctrine, published in the early 1900's. Some would be in complete agreement with it and others would not be in complete agreement.
If you would like any samples from this or Finger's theology, let me know and I'll post you some.
1. Theories as to how He is Revealed
2. The Existence and Being of God
3. His Divine Attributes
4. The Divinity and Humanity of Christ
5. The Holy Spirit
6. The Trinity in Unity—Three in OneChapter II. THE CREATION
1. The Fact of Creation—the Divine Handiwork
2. The Order of the Creation
3. In the Beginning—in Six Days—the Sabbath
4. Important Truths concerning the CreationChapter III. MAN
1. His Origin
2. His Makeup
3. The Ideal Man
4. The Fall
5. The Promise
6. The Mission of Man
7. Future DestinyChapter IV. ANGELS
1. Their Origin
2. Their great Number
3. Attributes
4. Offices and Work
5. What the Bible does not Teach
6. Eternal DestinyChapter V. THE BIBLE
1. A Revelation from God
2. Names, Titles, and Symbols
3. Its Structure and Divisions
4. The Alphabetical Arrangement of the O. T.
5. Unity and Design
6. The Inspiration of the Bible
7. Erroneous Theories
8. Plenary Inspiration
9. How We Got Our BibleChapter VI. THE LORD’S DAY
1. Need for the Day
2. The Day in History
3. Observations
4. Why We Observe the First Day of the Week
5. Counsel for Our Times
6. Some Questions Answered
1. Introductory Thoughts
2. His Personality
3. The Author of Evil
4. His Power and Influence
5. His Unfathomable Enmity
6. His Devices
7. His Limitations and DestinyChapter II. TEMPTATION
1. Origin of Temptation
2. Jesus the Deliverer
3. The Tempter’s Avenues to the Soul
4. Overcoming Temptation
5. The Greatest TemptationChapter III. SIN
1. Its Effect upon Man
2. Man’s Relation to Sin
3. The Perpetuation of Sin
4. The Guilt of Sin
5. Punishment for Sin
1. Definition
2. The Fall of Man
3. From what was Man Redeemed?
4. Results of Redemption
5. How Accomplished
6. Extent of the Redemption
7. Three Erroneous ViewsChapter II. THE ATONEMENT
1. Definition
2. Objections Answered
3. The Condition of Man far away from God
4. The Need and Purpose of the Atonement
5. How Accomplished
6. That Man’s Salvation is so Frequently and Constantly Referred to His Death
7. The Scriptural Teaching that Christ Redeemed Us
8. The Scriptural Teaching on Christ as Priest
9. The Fact that Christ is Called a Sacrifice
10. Nature and Extent of the Atonement
11. ConclusionChapter III. FAITH
1. Definition
2. The Objects of Christian Faith
3. Two Kinds of Faith
4. Results of a Faithless Life
5. The Work of Faith
6. How is Faith Obtained?Chapter IV. REPENTANCE
1. Definition
2. Repentance, Genuine and Evangelical
3. Avenues of Repentance
4. The Fruit of Repentance
5. The Fruit of NeglectChapter V. JUSTIFICATION
1. Definition
2. Nature and Prerequisites of Justification
3. Fruits of Justification
4. The Process of AccomplishmentChapter VI. CONVERSION
1. Definition
2. The Age of and Motives in Conversion
3. Stepping Stones to Conversion
4. Method of Accomplishment
5. Necessity of Conversion
6. Results of Conversion
7. Some Mistaken ViewsChapter VII. REGENERATION
1. Definition
2. What Regeneration is not
3. Regeneration: What it is
4. How Accomplished
5. Eleven Birth-marks
6. Who Need Regeneration?Chapter VIII. SANCTIFICATION
1. Definition
2. Different Kinds and Different Agents of Sanctification
3. The Means of Christian Sanctification
4. Time of Sanctification
5. Manifestations of Christian Sanctification
6. Some Erroneous Views ExaminedChapter IX. ADOPTION
1. New Testament Doctrine
2. The Blessings of Adoption
3. Manifest Results of Adoption
1. Historical and Prophetical
2. Church Organization
3. Gospel Requirements for Admission
4. Church Government
5. Forms of Church Government
6. Relation between Church and State
7. The Mission of the ChurchChapter II. THE MINISTRY
1. The Purpose
2. The Chief Aim
3. Qualifications of the Ministry
4. Offices of the Ministry
5. The Call to the Ministry
6. How the Call is Recognized
7. The Minister’s Preparation
8. The Work of the Ministry
9. Support of the Ministry
10. Is Scriptural
11. Against a Stipulated SalaryChapter III. THE CONGREGATION
1. Introductory
2. Governmental Authority
3. Congregational Duties
4. The Layman’s Opportunity
5. Building up the Congregation
1. Ceremonial Cleansing in the Law
2. Messianic Baptism
3. Infant Baptism
4. Baptism in History
5. Concluding ThoughtsChapter II. THE COMMUNION
1. Meaning and Use
2. Some Theories Examined
3. Other Things Connected with the CommunionChapter III. FEET WASHING
1. Descriptive Notes
2. Feet Washing as a Custom
3. Feet Washing as an Ordinance
4. Purpose of its Literal Observance
5. A Distinguishing Mark of a Worthy Widow
6. Why such a Command?
7. How long shall Man Continue to Observe the Ordinance?
8. Some Questions AnsweredChapter IV. THE DEVOTIONAL COVERING
1. Introductory Thoughts
2. An Exposition of 1 Cor. 11:1–16
3. Concluding ThoughtsChapter V. THE CHRISTIAN SALUTATION
1. The Personal Greeting
2. The Right Hand of Fellowship
3. The Holy KissChapter VI. ANOINTING WITH OIL
1. Anointing for Healing Purposes
a. New Testament Authority
b. A Religious Ceremony
c. Is this a Command?
d. Purpose of the Anointing
e. “Thy will be done”Chapter VII. MARRIAGE
1. Why Marriage was Instituted
2. What Constitutes Marriage?
3. Sacredness of Marriage
4. Who should Consider this Question?
5. Intermarriage among Members of Different Denominations
6. After the Wedding, what?
7. Divorce and Remarriage
8. What to Teach Our Young People
(Duties and Restrictions)Chapter I. OBEDIENCE
1. General Observations
2. A Right Obedience
3. Partial Obedience
4. Delegated Authority
5. ResultsChapter II. SELF-DENIAL
1. Scripture Terms Implying Self-denial
2. The Meaning
3. The Fundamental Truth of Godliness
4. An Original Principle in God’s Dealing with men
5. Embodied in Patriarchal Government
6. The Mosaical Teachings
7. Christ’s Teachings
8. The Apostolic Teachings
9. In the Light of the Christian’s Hope
10. Things to be Denied
11. ConclusionChapter III. WORSHIP
1. Old Testament Worship
a. Subject-matter of Psalms
b. Temple Worship
c. Prayer
d. Reverence
e. Synagogue Worship
2. New Testament Worship
a. Christ Our Teacher and Example
b. Christian Ordinances
c. Apostolic Church Worship
d. Holy Ghost Dispensation
e. Requirements of True Worship
f. Methods
g. What it Means to WorshipChapter IV. PERSONAL WORK
1. Importance and Need of Personal Work
2. Who should do Personal Work?
3. Conditions for Effective Work
4. When and Where should Personal Work be done?
5. How to Work
6. Precepts for WorkersChapter V. NONCONFORMITY TO THE WORLD
1. Foundation for the Doctrine
2. The Spirit of the Age not to be Patterned after
a. “Earthly”
b. “Sensual”
c. “Devilish”
3. Protecting the Church against Worldliness
4. Subjects for special Consideration
a. “Unspotted from the World”
b. The Unequal Yoke
c. Bible Teaching on Dress
5. Nonconformity PointersChapter VI. NONRESISTANCE
1. The Doctrine Presented
2. Further Observations
3. A Few Questions Considered
4. Practical NonresistanceChapter VII. SWEARING OF OATHS
1. Origin and Nature
2. Terrible Abuses
3. “Rightly Dividing the Word”
4. “What Saith the Scripture?”
5. Questions and Answers
6. ConclusionChapter VIII. SECRET SOCIETIES
1. The Foundations of the Lodge
2. Secrecy
3. Respect of Persons
4. The Lodge’s God
5. Lodge Oaths
6. Anti-Christian Prayers
7. The Lodge Idea of Heaven
8. The Attitude of the Church toward the LodgeChapter IX. LIFE INSURANCE
1. From a Religious Standpoint
a. An Exposition of 1 Tim. 5:8
b. The Work of the Church
c. Where Life Insurance Falls Short
2. From a Social Standpoint
3. From a Financial or Business Standpoint
4. Conclusion
1. Definitions
2. Love and Hatred Contrasted
3. Love Manifested
4. The Power of Love
5. The Work of Love
6. Whom shall We Love?
7. ConclusionChapter II. HUMILITY
1. False Humility
2. Christ Our Perfect Pattern
3. How Saints Obtain Humility
4. How Saints Retain Humility
5. Evidences of Humility
6. Blessings of Humility
7. Power of HumilityChapter III. PURITY
1. Its Source
2. The Saints, as Holy Vessels
a. A Pure Mind
b. Pure Speech
c. Pure Associations
3. How Promote the Cause of PurityChapter IV. HOPE
1. How the Word “Hope” is Used in Scripture
2. An Act of the Will
3. The Object or End of Our Faith
4. A Means of Obtaining the End of Faith
5. Relation of Hope to Faith
6. The Assurance of Hope
7. The Possession of Hope
8. Present Realization of Hope
9. Future Hopes to be Realized
10. A Blessing to the Believer’s Life
1. Death
a. The Origin of Death
b. Description of Natural Death
c. Description of Spiritual Death
d. Some Errors Noted
e. Is Death Cruel?
2. Second Coming of Christ
a. The Doctrine Stated
b. Time of His Advent
c. Signs of His Coming
d. Effect of the Second Advent
e. How the Knowledge that He is Coming again should Affect Our Lives
3. The Resurrection
a. The Doctrine Stated
b. An Old Testament Doctrine
c. A New Testament Doctrine
d. Proofs of the Resurrection
e. Some Errors Noted
f. A General Resurrection
g. “The Resurrection of Life”
h. “The Resurrection of Damnation”
4. The Judgment
a. An Old Testament Doctrine
b. A New Testament Doctrine
c. The Reasonableness of the Judgment
d. The Judge
e. The Judged
f. The JudgmentChapter II. HELL
1. Definitions
2. Description of the Lake of Fire
3. For Whom Prepared
4. Who will Go There?
5. Who are in Danger of Going there?
6. The Doomed in Hell
7. “The Ways of Death”
8. The WarningChapter III. HEAVEN
1. Definitions
2. How Characterized
3. Conditions
4. Fit Subjects for Heaven
5. The Way to Glory
6. Inhabitants
7. Concluding Thoughts
Kauffman, D. (1914). Preface. In D. Kauffman (Ed.), Bible Doctrine: A Treatise on the Great Doctrines of the Bible, Pertaining to God, Angels, Satan, the Church, and the Salvation, Duties and Destiny of Man (pp. 9–18). Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House.0