Jacob Neusner Jewish Studies Bundle and Aggadah.
Hi power users:
Jacob Neusner's Bundle will come live soon. I would like to learn a little more about Aggadah, would getting that pre pub bundle help for that, or would it be overkill?
Is there a recommended way to study about Aggadah? particular Logos resources for it?
My interest is mainly to compare to Moral Theology.
From the wiki article above:
"In line with the above, Samuel ibn Naghrillah, in his "Introduction to the Talmud", states that "Aggadah comprises any comment occurring in the Talmud on any topic which is not a commandment (i.e. which is not halachic) and one should derive from it only that which is reasonable.""
To my understanding Aggadah has to do more with ethics, so I do not understand why some try to separate it from the commandments.
In moral theology the commandments are the base for proper behavior and decision, what is right may be different to what is legal, so I am not clear why is Aggadah supposedly related to non commandments stuff.
Any guidance on this would be appreciated. Thanks ahead of time.