L8 Installation Rollback Issue

I know this is not a huge problem, but could be if you forget about your Desktop security. I recently re-installed Logos Bible Software on my Win10 Environment. After waiting for the download to complete and the installation to finish, all of a sudden the installation threw an exception at the "end" of the process because it can't create a shortcut on my desktop and rolled back completely - really, was that nesesarry?
I almost fainted but realised it's my mistake. I have denied everyone writing to my desktop to prevent myself from cluttering the workspace. Then I realised, no other software I recently installed rolled back or nagged about this. I just thought to inform FaithLife and maybe it's a good idea to respect user security on this small point? I don't expect this to be fixed very soon if ever, but I do think installation is the first impression of software and could maybe cause FaithLife to loose potential customers, the short tempered ones that is?
I wouldn't like my favorite software company to struggle because of a shortcut. I think, take the shortcut, and fix the shortcut, because there's no shortcut to win back potential customers that took the shortcut out ...
My work around for Windows 8 not having a start menu was hiding all Desktop icons (so desktop background displayed without any clutter) along with enabling Desktop in the toolbar.
Keep Smiling [:)]