NASB 2020



  • Reuben Helmuth
    Reuben Helmuth MVP Posts: 2,485

    Joseph Luna said:

    If you really want a note to appear in another translation WITHOUT the corresponding VF (and it's a note on a selection), then simply add another anchor to the note (or replace the one you have).

    I need to learn how to do that.

    Joseph, I set up a layout as I would if I were wanting to move all my ESV anchored notes to the CSB (without relying on "corresponding notes"). I meant to post a screenshot much earlier but didn't get around to it. Hopefully, this will let you understand one of the easier ways rather than creating a new note, copying the content, replicating tags, setting icon style, and deleting the old note!

    I have two instances of the ESV and one instance of the CSB all in a linkset, then I have the Notes tool open on the right. The reason for two instances of the ESV is to have one unfiltered so I can see the context. The ESV is filtered down to the notes of interest via the sidebar filtering. You'll see that I filtered to "Anchor:Text Range" since these are the ones that are 'causing trouble' for you.


    1. Filter to notes you want to move
    2. Click a note icon to open that note in the Notes Tool
    3. Select the text in the new Bible to which you wish to anchor the note
    4. Click "add anchor" in the note
    5. Make sure "selected text" is the anchor setting (this should be default).
    6. Click "Done"
    7. Click the X on the old anchor to remove it from your original Bible (optional)

    For manually "moving" individual notes, this is a relatively rapid process, since for the most part it'll be 3 clicks and a selection (steps 2-4, 6).

  • Joseph Luna
    Joseph Luna Member Posts: 375 ✭✭

    Thank you Reuben. I will follow in detail your great suggestions. 

    Great work! 

  • Michael Kelley
    Michael Kelley Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    The HCSB is no longer published. It is just the CSB now. If you use it to teach or preach from, I suggest you get the updated CSB so the people being taught can have the same version in their laps.