Greek and Hebrew Tutorial

Does Logos plan to update their Greek and Hebrew tutorials. I will be taking Greek this fall from Bob Jones University, and they use the Greek products in Logos. A more user friendly application would be beneficial. I can create a word list, but it becomes very daunting when I see several thousand words per book. Your application gives me the idea you can create more managable stacks that can sorted but I don't see how it's done.
Michael Volmer said:
I can create a word list, but it becomes very daunting when I see several thousand words per book. Your application gives me the idea you can create more managable stacks that can sorted but I don't see how it's done.
A Word List can be sorted and grouped, to improve its utility. And you don't have to gather words by book, but it would help to know what you are studying.
An alternative way to study words is to use the Concordance tool (and also here). This can be more manageable than Word Lists.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thanks for your reply. unfortunately none of the links to videos work. As best I can tell, The sorted and grouped section paper was helpful in showing me a few new things. the sorting is limited to what is provided. How do I sort out say verbs, nouns, etc.
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Michael Volmer said:
How do I sort out say verbs, nouns, etc.
Welcome [:D]
Thankful for many friendly forum discussions with other users and Faithlife employees: have learned a lot plus have a lot to learn.
Concordance tool can group lemmas by root followed by filtering nouns:
Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, 3rd ed. focuses on learning many nouns first (in Chapters 1-14) before exploring verbal system (in Chapters 15-36)
Keep Smiling [:)]