Help with Undoing a Deleted Highlight....

Matthew  Friend
Matthew Friend Member Posts: 32 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi Folks:

Does Logos 8 have any kind of undo?

I had a list of 90+ verses added to a note.  (with an underline).   I decided to highlight a couple of words (that wrere already underlined).  I right clicked on the yellow highlighting and clicked what I thought would remove the last highlight ... "Delete Annotation".  Anyways It deleted not only the hightlight, but also the whole note and every verse I had entered!!!   I still have Logos 8 open and haven't changed pages or tabs.

I really hope there is some kind of undo...




  • Matthew  Friend
    Matthew Friend Member Posts: 32 ✭✭

    Sorry guys.... I figured it out.  For those in the future that might do the same thing as I did:

    -- at the bottom of the notebooks list is a trash can. click on that and you have x2 options: Trashed Notes and Trashed Notebooks.  My note was in the Trashed notes and I was able to restore it!!  :)