L8 Set Series command missing?

When I try to create a new series to link references, I can't find that command in L8.
It used to be in the Library in the Series column.
Is this one of the features that has not been implemented in L8?
You set the series in the library info pane... or am I not understanding you correctly?
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Correct. In L7, when I went to the Library info pane, there was an icon ("Set Series") to click on. I don't see it. I tried everything I could think of (right-clicik, left-click) and did everything but kill a chicken, but never saw that command.
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Just click the pencil icon to edit and hit enter when done. I don't recall this being different in L7...
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Reuben Helmuth said:
I don't recall this being different in L7...
Correct. If it does not belong to a series you will see Set series
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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That solved it. Thanks, Reuben and Dave.