Bible Search Speed is Unacceptable

A Basic search in Entire Library for
gave 133, 796 results in 0.5 sec!
The Bible Search (for "God") by Grid in All Passages and All Bibles took almost 9 min for 133, 689 results but the search by Verses took 9 sec and gave 133, 796 results!
I searched with Match all word forms and Match case unchecked i.e. a case insensitive search for "God".
The issues here are:
- no way to select Verses because Grid is the default for Bible Search. We need to have this selection in the Search in section and not in search results!
- unacceptable time for the Grid search.
- different results for Grid and Verses (this is partly due to NABWRNT bible from previous experience).
BTW why does this query work?:
[type:bible lang:English] God
The terms in [ ] have no effect, but it seems the syntax is allowed.
Windows 11 & Android 13
Dave Hooton said:
BTW why does this query work?:
[type:bible lang:English] God
The terms in [ ] have no effect, but it seems the syntax is allowed.
Square brackets are reserved for the new (and undocumented!) advanced query syntax. You've probably already seen "[lang el]" from some of the auto-generated queries; that can be used to search for terms in a specific language (because our desired "friendly" syntax of "Greek:word" hasn't been implemented yet). "field" is another operator that can be used as either "[field bible] God" or [field !bible] God" to search for words in or not in the specified field. ("bible:God" is, of course, the shorthand for the first example.)