Links not working properly; not refreshing.

I noticed that freqently the links don't update when one is chosen. I had a PG on a hebrews passage and then opened an EG and linked it to the PG...and it just sat there.
I've done the same with bibles and's a little hit-and-miss.
has anyone else noticed this?
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
Can you be more specific with the linkset problem regarding bibles and commentaries? I was able to repro the PG and EG one.
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Here is one situation.
I opened up the ESV to a particular passage, opened Calvin's commentary, opened up baker nt commentary. Linked all of them to "A".
clicked a link to a passage from Calvin's commentary; had ESV as the "target" and it changes in the ESV, but the commentaries are still on the other passage even though they are all "A" linkset.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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George reported the issue with the Guides not synching.
I've confirmed that clicking a reference link in one linked commentary does not cause the all of them to move to that location, and have reported that.