Copy Bible Verses Tool code guide

SharingTheGospel Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I would like to make my own Copy Bible Verse format to do the following:

  • Verse reference after the verse
  • Verse reference with a compact 3-letter format (e.g. 2Sa, 1Ti, Mat)
  • Verse numbers in brackets, or superscript
  • No verse number for the first verse (the verse number is obvious from the reference at the end)

Why? Because it is a compact style, and I am used to that layout after using e-Sword (which had multiple verse copying layouts)

Is there a guide to the keywords or code examples for the Copy Bible Verses Tool? For example, since there is a keyword "FullPassageRef", does this mean there is something like "CompactPassageRef" available? Since there is a keyword "ForEachVerse", does this mean there are other keywords like "ForFirstVerse"?

This is my progress so far, which just puts the reference at the end:

%NoCharFormatting<br /><em>%NoRedLetter</em><br /><em>%NoFootnotes</em><br /><em>%NoCitation</em><br /><br /><em>=ForEachVerse</em><br /><em><b>[VerseNum]</b> [VerseText]</em><br /><br /><em>=Footer</em><br /><em>&nbsp;<b>[FullPassageRef] ([Version]) </p></em>

