Navigating to a footnote in a resource

Harry Hahne
Harry Hahne Member Posts: 962 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

In a scholarly book that has many footnotes, it would be very useful to go have an easy way to navigate from one footnote to another. For example, if a footnote says "Ibid., 203", you need to go to the previous footnote to see the bibliographic information on the book or article that "Ibid." references.

There are several ways that I could imagine navigating between footnotes (or endnotes):

  1. Is there a way to go to the next or previous footnote when you are viewing a footnote?I would suggest that the up and down arrows on the resource toolbar could serve for this. (Perhaps add an option for Footnote to the existing options of Article, Page and Annotation.)
  2. Is there a way to jump to a specific footnote number as you can with a word processor?
  3. Is there a way to view all of the footnotes in a chapter or book at one time, as you might with endnotes? This could be implemented as a visual filter, where the main text would be deselected and the footnotes would be selected. Alternatively, these could be displayed in a toggleable ribbon, much like the interlinear ribbon.

Of these 3 methods, the first one is the most important. If this is not already implemented, I would like to make the suggestion that it be. As Logos has more and more standard reference books, journals and scholarly monographs, it is important to make doing research in them no less easy than with a printed book.



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,058

    Is there a way to go to the next or previous footnote when you are viewing a footnote?I would suggest that the up and down arrows on the resource toolbar could serve for this.

    The Power Lookup tool enables this.

    Click on footnote 6 in the tool, and it will indicate the footnote in the resource, scrolling as necessary. Ditto for footnote 7.

    Note that you will have to scroll the resource to move the tool through the footnotes (and any references it may contain).

    (Perhaps add an option for Footnote to the existing options of Article, Page and Annotation.)

    This would be more convenient for navigation.

    Is there a way to jump to a specific footnote number as you can with a word processor?

    You can scroll the resource until you see the footnote in the Power Lookup tool.

    Is there a way to view all of the footnotes in a chapter or book at one time, as you might with endnotes?

    The Power Lookup tool. Presumably, you also want to see the content of the footnote. Did you also want some context?


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Harry Hahne
    Harry Hahne Member Posts: 962 ✭✭✭

    Is there a way to view all of the footnotes in a chapter or book at one time, as you might with endnotes?

    The Power Lookup tool.

    Thanks, Dave. This is a great idea. I had forgotten that Power Lookup shows all of the footnotes on a page.

    I usually leave Power Lookup on Follow, but unfortunately if I click on another resource (such as to look up a Bible verse), Power Lookup will display the footnotes on that resource. So the key would be to set Power Lookup to the same Link Set as the book I want to see the footnotes in.