Logos 9 Wishlist
Sean Boisen said:
Mark, Lee Gordon, Armin: can you provide some more information on this?
- Are you comparing Google to Fuzzy Bible Search? (Basic Search, select Search Everything, enter a phrase: see screenshot below) Or are you searching some other way?
- If so, do you prefer Google because the results better match what you expect?
- If so, can you provide some specific examples where you think Google provides better results?
(While we don't have Google's resources, we're always looking for ways to improve our performance)
Greetings Sean,
For example, I want to look up the verse about a demon leaping on a man:
Now the same search with Logos:
Now, the same search in logos with NASB, which has the word "leaped" right in the text:
Google gave the verse I wanted. It wasn't even included in the Logos results.
Now, let's see what "all bibles" will bring up:
There were 79 hits on this result, and none of the first page results was the one I was looking for. Further, the whole system locked up and I couldn't even scroll to see the rest of the results, because it was so laggy. It's as if it only even considered the words "man" and "demon", and ignored the rest of the search. After waiting 5 minutes, Logos never stabilized, and I was never able to review all the results in the "all Bible" category, because there was just no option to scroll down, and the program became completely unresponsive to any page down, or arrow down scroll options, and there was no scroll bar available. Sometimes you can get the answer you want, sometimes not. Google almost always nails it the first time.
Potential improvements may include giving weight to more than the first two words (perhaps extra weight to verbs). Something needs to be done about the freezing and lag issue too. I can almost always get an immediate answer from Google that nails what I was looking for, but with Logos, it's kind of hit and miss, so I just use Google.
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Thanks Lee: let's follow up in a new thread to avoid hijacking this one. (Mark and Armin as well)
Please post follow-up discussion at https://community.logos.com/forums/p/189992/1095358.aspx#1095358.
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One other thing that came to mind, although this is too involved for Logos 9 (it'd likely take Logos a couple of years to research it, so maybe Logos 10 feedback).
It would be interesting if Logos could implement some form of ML technology into Logos that would allow Logos to learn how its users use Logos for their daily activities, causing Logos to become intelligent at surfacing the tools and resources we need when we need them. I'm not 100% up-to-speed on ML, but Apple has published info on it in journals, plus Logos could consult with some ML researchers on it.
ML could be tied into the Faithlife Assistant to increase the usefulness of the Assistant, possibly allowing the Assistant to be proactive and contextual in surfacing what we need when we need it (the way Siri and other assistants are slowing adding).
Logos could add privacy controls to it to decide if ML should be done completely on device, stored in-cloud so it can sync between personal-use Logos apps, or add an opt-in where anonymous ML data could be shared with Faithlife to improve the overall ML engine.
If Logos could get to the point where like a good research assistant, it can learn how I work and surface the tools and resources I need when I need them, and even proactively and contextually do it, that would be huge.
Likely something that would be post-Logos 9, but nonetheless fantastic.
Dr. Nathan Parker
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Nathan Parker said:
It would be interesting if Logos could implement some form of ML technology
I may be incorrect but I thought machine learning technology was used to build some of the indexing that we have in L8 ii.e. Ancient Language Grammar Cross-References, Biblical Theology Cross-References, Confesional Documents Cross-References ... or did you mean something else by ML?
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:Nathan Parker said:
It would be interesting if Logos could implement some form of ML technology
I may be incorrect but I thought machine learning technology was used to build some of the indexing that we have in L8 ii.e. Ancient Language Grammar Cross-References, Biblical Theology Cross-References, Confesional Documents Cross-References ... or did you mean something else by ML?
That's interesting and good to see Logos already putting it to use.
I was referring to also applying it to the Faithlife Assistant plus use it to learn from the user's work habits to surface the needed tools/resources proactively when users need certain tools and resources. One possible way would be for Logos to offer layouts of resources that incorporate the tools/resources needed at different times. These layouts would be automatically be built and offered using the results of ML learning the user's working habits, and the user could tweak them and permanently save them as a layout. This could also be used when recommending collections users are creating.
Dr. Nathan Parker
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I'm kind of thinking out loud and dumping my thoughts here, so as I think up more, I may expand it. :-)
Dr. Nathan Parker
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Phil Gons (Faithlife) said:
- What improvements should we make to existing features?
This may have been said already, but this wishlist is a bit unwieldy at this point. But what about:
Bringing uniformity to the look, feel, and functionality of all resource panels, specifically with the sidebar.
- That hamburger icon vs. double arrow (>>) icon.
- collapsable sections of facets/filters
- searchable facets/filters (this is the best part!)
I love, for instance, the way library and bible browser panels look and work. More than a few other resources and interactives have a dated and more cumbersome feel.
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Steve Ingino gave an online tutorial on Logos. He talked about creating bibliographies.
Something seemed to be missing.
Say I'm working on a project, a dissertation, for example. I'm working on this thing for months. I need a way to tag the resources that I want to use in my paper. So when I go to docs, new, bibliography, I need an option where I can say dissertation and, say, choose an icon out of, say, 3 options. I may have other projects in the same time. When i use a resource I like, I can click on that particular icon, so Logos saves that for that particular project. When I'm ready, I go to docs, bibliography, select, choose dissertation, and Logos pulls the information from all those resources that I had tagged.
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Something like the Microsoft OneNote web clipper extension that can grab articles or parts of articles in one place for reference on a project would be great. It would be an easy way to gather sections in one place for later study and reference.
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Sean Boisen said:
- Are you comparing Google to Fuzzy Bible Search? (Basic Search, select Search Everything, enter a phrase: see screenshot below) Or are you searching some other way?
- If so, do you prefer Google because the results better match what you expect?
- If so, can you provide some specific examples where you think Google provides better results?
Fuzzy search is getting better. But even last week it didn't come up with a verse and I went to DuckDuckGo (I very rarely search w/ google any longer). I think the biggest challenge is that web search engines get immediate feedback on the accuracy of their results based on the links the user clicks on. So it's not just a full-text search (w/ adjustments for h1/h2/h3, etc.). I don't know how FL would be able to as easily and as usefully incorporate that into its ranking of search results.
So the direct answer to your question is: online search gives better results when I'm having a hard time remembering the exact word/words or nearness of words.
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Donnie Hale said:Sean Boisen said:
- Are you comparing Google to Fuzzy Bible Search? (Basic Search, select Search Everything, enter a phrase: see screenshot below) Or are you searching some other way?
- If so, do you prefer Google because the results better match what you expect?
- If so, can you provide some specific examples where you think Google provides better results?
Fuzzy search is getting better. But even last week it didn't come up with a verse and I went to DuckDuckGo (I very rarely search w/ google any longer). I think the biggest challenge is that web search engines get immediate feedback on the accuracy of their results based on the links the user clicks on. So it's not just a full-text search (w/ adjustments for h1/h2/h3, etc.). I don't know how FL would be able to as easily and as usefully incorporate that into its ranking of search results.
So the direct answer to your question is: online search gives better results when I'm having a hard time remembering the exact word/words or nearness of words.
Greetings. Sean moved the fork over here: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/189992/1095358.aspx#1095358
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danwdoo said:
Something like the Microsoft OneNote web clipper extension that can grab articles or parts of articles in one place for reference on a project would be great. It would be an easy way to gather sections in one place for later study and reference.
How would this differ from the "clippings" feature?
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When popup windows open (e.g. when right-clicking on a word in a text, or hovering the cursor over a scripture reference in a commentary), I wish the popup windows would open large enough to display everything contained in the window (i.e. all the options or the entire scripture reference), without having to scroll within the popup window--provided of course there's enough room to do that on the screen.
As it is now, when right-clicking on almost any word in a text, the popup window is too small to see all the options without scrolling through them in the popup window, even though there's way more than enough real-estate on the screen to have a popup window large enough to display all the options without scrolling. The same thing is often true of the popup windows when hovering over scripture references that have a range of more than a few verses, even though there's plenty of room on the screen for a larger popup window.
I think I've been asking for larger popups since Logos 6 or earlier. Or at least to have an option in the settings that would allow for larger popups.
Still hoping! [:)]
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Big Wish: For all 13 new Carta resources to be included in Gold Standard and above 👍😁👌
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Please focus on tablet/mobile functionality particularly with the iPad Pro, Pencil, and keyboard with trackpad. This could truly be a killer tool for Logos if annotation, highlighting, and functionality.
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
Jacob Hantla said:
Please focus on tablet/mobile functionality particularly with the iPad Pro, Pencil, and keyboard with trackpad. This could truly be a killer tool for Logos if annotation, highlighting, and functionality.
On mobile, please include a chapter up and down arrow.
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Lee Gordon said:
How would this differ from the "clippings" feature?
It would be more expansive so could take content from a passage or other guide, any resource, media, whole/partial articles (or links to them) and put them all together for later research in one place.
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I don't know if it has been addressed, but I would love to see more support for other languages in the Notes! I'm an Israeli and write my notes in Hebrew, but ever since you disabled the RTL/LTR editor control you basically made the Notes system unusable for me, so I REALLY hope you will take this into consideration and offer more support for users like me
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Lee Gordon said:Jacob Hantla said:
Please focus on tablet/mobile functionality particularly with the iPad Pro, Pencil, and keyboard with trackpad. This could truly be a killer tool for Logos if annotation, highlighting, and functionality.
On mobile, please include a chapter up and down arrow.
Yes, lots of opportunity for mobile workflow optimization. Perhaps datasets or tools for Logos 9 that are mobile-centric in order to drive sales...but mobile is the way that I want to access my library most and the area in need of greatest all-around improvement
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
One thing I'd like to see that's probably unlikely, but it would be nice.
Since Amazon killed the feature Logos implemented with Send to Kindle, I wish Logos could create a web front that is compatible with the Experimental Browser on Kindle (such as kindle.logos.com) where I could login with my Logos.com credentials and read Logos books through the Kindle Experimental Browser.
Right now I'm sending Logos books to Kindle by exporting them out of Logos and using the Send to Kindle app, but I have to piece together the books before sending them to my Kindle (I only do this for personal use and I do not share the files with anyone else).
For long-duration reading, I prefer the Kindle (Paperwhite) to my iPad Pro since it's smaller and lighter, and the eInk screen is easier on the eyes than staring at a tablet or computer screen for such a length of time.
The web variant would be a decent workaround to still allow me to read Logos books on an eInk Kindle.
But then Amazon will decide to end the browser experiment. :-)
Dr. Nathan Parker
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If this is already mentioned, I apologize.
1) Greek audio Read Aloud by Schwandt in an interlinear, e.g. Newberry.
2) Update Greek audio for LXX words with no audio / pronunciation.
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Jacob Hantla said:
Please focus on tablet/mobile functionality particularly with the iPad Pro, Pencil, and keyboard with trackpad. This could truly be a killer tool for Logos if annotation, highlighting, and functionality.
I second this. I bought an iPad Pro specifically so that I can use the pencil for notes and such (despite having a touch-screen laptop). I would love to be able to use it more with Logos.
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Wouldn't it be great to use workflows for Book Reports?
https://community.logos.com/forums/t/190260.aspx | User voice
- Don't miss a FREE Book, COUPON, or OFFER! Join the Free Faithlife Books Group
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I'm doing a Bible word study. Under lemma, I have 26 books identified only by initials. I know 9 of them. If I hover the mouse over them, it doesn't ell me what book it is. I have to open the resource and hover over the initials in the tab to find out. Maybe this is a little thing, but for a world-class resource, I think it should be basic. You're on number 9 now. This should have been corrected in 3.
Thank you
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I am working on a long project, copying and pasting a lot of things. I find it frustrating to find that when I enable footnotes, Logos prints out every abbreviation in the document at the same time. When the material is heavy, as in lexicons, technical commentaries, the list of abbreviations can be enormous. And you just can't delete them. You have to go into the document and type over the letter in the abbreviation that creates the footnote.
Grrrr! This should have corrected by Logos 3.
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Logos needs a better search function.
I wanted to find the verse in Jeremiah that says :is not that what it means to know me?
I clicked on search, did a Bible search, all Bible text in all passages. I tried to just say Jeremiah but it gave me 11 Bible with Jeremiah.
Zero results. No fuzzy and no verses.
I typed it into google and in an instant I had it, and it turns out it was an exact quote of the NIV.
Why didn't Logos find it?
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Larry Craig said:
Logos needs a better search function.
I wanted to find the verse in Jeremiah that says :is not that what it means to know me?
I clicked on search, did a Bible search, all Bible text in all passages. I tried to just say Jeremiah but it gave me 11 Bible with Jeremiah.
Zero results. No fuzzy and no verses.
I typed it into google and in an instant I had it, and it turns out it was an exact quote of the NIV.
Why didn't Logos find it?
See this thread: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/189992.aspx?PageIndex=1
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Thank you. The link was on fuzzy searches.
I read through most of the comments. Some had success and some didn't on the same search.
In my case, I had no results for either search, fuzzy or regular. I think I'll use google more.
Thanks for responding. I appreciate it.
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Larry Craig said:
Thank you. The link was on fuzzy searches.
I read through most of the comments. Some had success and some didn't on the same search.
In my case, I had no results for either search, fuzzy or regular. I think I'll use google more.
Thanks for responding. I appreciate it.
Larry, I got the intended verse with Fuzzy Search. Let's take follow-ups to https://community.logos.com/forums/t/189992.aspx: i'm not sure why you didn't get this result.
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You searched in all Bibles. I thought just to search in Jeremiah, and it didn't have an option just saying Jeremiah.
Thank you
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Larry Craig said:
I thought just to search in Jeremiah, and it didn't have an option just saying Jeremiah.
It is already there. Under a Bible search replace "All passages" with "Jeremiah"
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Yeah, I tried that, but Logos didn't cooperate. It gave me "11 Bibles with Jeremiah"
no results
that still should have gotten it. Right?
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Larry Craig said:
Yeah, I tried that, but Logos didn't cooperate. It gave me "11 Bibles with Jeremiah"
no results
that still should have gotten it. Right?
Do you get a different result for this? If so, could you post a screenshot?
(Note that restricting the passages to be searched doesn't restrict Fuzzy Bible Search, only Bible Results. Likewise for the Bible being searched: Fuzzy Bible Search by definition searches a large set of Bibles.)
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I got nothing.
I have no success with screen shots. I follow directions, and nothing happens.
thanks for trying. Next time I'll put Bible instead of Jeremish. That helped for MJ. I think that was her.
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Larry Craig said:
I have no success with screen shots.
Larry Craig said:I have no success with screen shots.
As in not capturing the shot or as in not posting it? To get help, this is a skill you'll want to master.
Your screen should look exactly like Sean's except you may want something other than the ESV. Sean is showing what I described.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Every time I have tried it, nothing happened.
I agree it's a valuable tool. I don't know what to do here.
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Larry Craig said:
Every time I have tried it, nothing happened.
I agree it's a valuable tool. I don't know what to do here.
What's your computer operating system? If it's Windows 10, press the Windows key + Shift + S, all at the same time. This should open up a screen-shot tool where you can simply drag the cursor where you want to capture the shot, then save it and upload it to this forum, so we can see what's happening.
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Windows 7
I've looked at different instructions, nothing happens. The last one it talked about where the pictures are stored. No such places.
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Larry Craig said:
Windows 7
I've looked at different instructions, nothing happens. The last one it talked about where the pictures are stored. No such places.
See if this works for you: https://www.library.illinois.edu/staff/it/howto/snippingtool/
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This is certainly helping. My problem now is that I have 4 screens that I am using. One person click on the top of the screen I want to capture. I keep getting all four screens. I have to keep playing around with it.
Then I still haven't tried to paste a picture in one of these posts.
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Larry Craig said:
Then I still haven't tried to paste a picture in one of these posts.
Don't paste - use the paper clip icon on the editing header/task bar
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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thank you very much. I was ready to forget about it for the time being. I really appreciate it.
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I got it.
Thanks again.
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How about showing the "History" tab some love. It shows what I have looked at, read etc., can you put a date on when it was seen? Thanks.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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I have suggested numerous times that Logos create a way so that we can mark resources as read, useful, not, or other such means. They could use a 5 star system that users could adapt to their own needs, assigning each star their own description.
When users use Logos for long projects that last for weeks at a time, we need some way to know what resources we have used and which are worth consulting again. Now it is easy to go back to old ones and realize we already looked at this.
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- I second the many comments about continuing to work on the notes. This is an old note, obviously from the date. When the new notes system went into effect, it changed all of my formatting on these sermons, as you can see below. I did not write 4 #1's. Writing sermons in notes/notebooks has been the best way for me to organize them and find them quickly. I miss the ability to title my notes, as it was the name of my sermon.
- Connected to that, I find the sermon document to be a terrible waste of my time. I've tried to write sermons on it, but it just doesn't work for me. Accordance has several sermon templates. These are good. It'd be nice to be able to organize them in the notebooks within the notes feature. As it stands now, I'm better off just writing my sermons in notes and printing the sermon off to take into the pulpit or typing my sermons directly into powerpoint, when i choose to use powerpoint.
- I hope the atlas and maps will be upgraded. The atlas has some good things going for it, but it can be difficult to use. I ought to be able to type in "Jordan River" and it zoom immediately to the Jordan River, instead of connecting it to an "event" or passage. Maybe I'm missing something on it.
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Another request that I've made in the past is to add diacritical marks or pronounciation marks as a visual filter in Bibles. It would be very helpful the next time I'm reading Is 8 and come across Mahershalalhashbaz.