Logos 9 Wishlist



  • Again, something that should have been fixed in Logos 3 or 4.

    I have exegetical guide open.  I'm doing the word for word, and I am looking for a Greek lexicon for the patristic era.  I know I have at least one.  

    I have 32 Greek resources listed here, all by initials.  When I hover over them, I still get the initials.

    Initials are Abbreviated Titles, which can be customized plus prioritized that shows in Word by Word order in Exegetical Guide:

    Concur hover over "initials" shows pop-up from resource with Abbreviated Title, which would could be improved by showing sample with Title.

    Edit: personally been customizing resource titles & abbreviated titles along with prioritizing since Logos 4.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭
  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    I have been a Logos user for about 13 years.  I have spent hours and hours trying to make it more usable.

    For example, I had a passage guide with a hundred titles Gospel of John.or something like that.  I added author names and series titles so I can see at a glance what I'm looking at.

    I have thousands and thousands of monographs.  I added author names in most cases and put them in collections that Logos should have already done.  For example, I shouldn't have to create a collection for Ephesians with all the monographs that deal with that letter.  I did that for all the books of the Bible.  Why?  Passage guides should have a section that pulls all the monographs that deal with that book.  Not some random reference in a book, but whole books that deal with Ephesians.  

    I just spent time changing the short titles to my Greek lexicons so that in an exegetical guide I could make sense of the book titles listed.  

    I am surprised that things like this weren't corrected or changed years ago.

  • Troy Vanderschel
    Troy Vanderschel Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I love workflows and the 9 steps you have pre-configured for a study of a bible verse, but it would be very helpful for me to add a 10th, 11th or 12th step beyond the default steps.

    Right now I have just the basic version, and basic features, but would upgrade to a newer version IF workflows allowed me to add extra steps.



  • Dru Lattin
    Dru Lattin Member Posts: 56 ✭✭

    Suggestions for Sermon Editor: 

    • Make a reading/preaching mode, with full screen, page by page navigation. MS Word has this, where the formatting is preserved, but you can zoom in text (with reflow) and flip through pages, rather than scrolling. It's amazing, and a bit absurd that Logos doesn't have a view like this. I preach directly from my Windows convertible laptop. 

    • Better support for outlines.

    • Better support for touchscreen navigation in Sermon editor. 

    Bringing some polish and functionality to the sermon editor would indeed make L9 irresistible. 

  • Don Kolafa
    Don Kolafa Member Posts: 32 ✭✭

    I would like facilities for formal presentations, aka PowerPoint/Proclaim, or allow PPT/Proclaim applications to alternately share the screen. An augmented 'Reading View' would help.

    Increasingly, I am using Logos as a dynamic presentation vehicle to lead small-groups.  My home page is a simple display with only two panels: a narrow left-hand panel with control assists and a much larger main display. (I also make extensive use of the 'Shortcut' bar.)

    The NARROW control panel has only a few tabs:

    1. FAVORITES with a structure of folders and sub-folders for quick access to the specific study components, such as passages, commentary,  otes, and external links to miscellaneous documents, PowerPoint presentations and internet links.
    2. HISTORY for quick return to a prior display.
    3. HIGHLIGHTING for quick access to an extended range of highlighting tools.

    The MAIN panel has tabs for:
    1. Four primary Bible versions and their corresponding commentaries all linked together.
    2. Special personal books, such as the Serendipity Bible, Bible outlines, personal notes.
    3. Personal book of specially prepared study guides for each study.

    I use the FAVORITES tab to create each page in a presentation for discussion,  selecting page after page ... replicating PowerPoint presentation operations when we met in the home.

    I have tried using the 'Reading View' but find myself returning to the normal Logos screen to re-select the next display. What I like about Reading View is that the panel tabs become available by hovering off-screen at the display top. I don't like that it is too anxious to switch to multiple columns ... even with a large font.

    In much the same way the tab headings are available by hovering off-screen above, I would like to see something like FAVORITES and/or Shortcuts available when the cursor hovers at the left margin.

    It would also be very convenient to display a passage in a normal Bible tab: if a range is indicated, e.g. Dt 7:1-4 it should not fill the screen with later verses.

  • George Neverov
    George Neverov Member Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Hello Logos Project Leaders, Technical Leads, Developers

    please help us with the following improvements:

    1. Ability to delete the existing highlights from the notes section by selecting a batch or groups or all highlights.  Perhaps right click menu on the group and delete with confirmation.

    2. ability to adds multi-column table to the notes to gather information better. please. I can’t wait.. :)

    3.please add a function to export notes into Word.

    4. please add a document group to organize lessons or the lesson plans similarly to the notes.  please enable a function to organize lessons in subfolders that we can maintain documents to teach our small groups in an organized manner.

    5. please allow as to import PDFs Into the lesson plans.

    6. please allow us to import word documents into the lesson plans.

    7. Please organize highlights in a better way so it would not overwhelm me when I open my notes section.  I have millions of highlights and I am scarred to open the notes section to see so many highlights.

    8. please can you add enabling/disabling or show/no-show my highlights per book or per section or per a custom group.  Something should like the filters with show/hide option.  The difference is that my highlights and markings with symbols so detailed that sometimes when I teach, I want to hide my highlights and keywords and later to show then after discussion is done.

    these requests are regarding the Logos App for Windows or MacOS.

    thank you!!

  • Ryland Brown
    Ryland Brown Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭

    The ability to export sermon slides into JPEGs or PNG files. 

    The ability to duplicate a sermon document.  

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭
  • Nathan Parker
    Nathan Parker Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭

    It would also be fun if Logos did a reboot of the old 16 Bit Logos Bible Clips, 3D Logos Bible Atlas, and Logos Lesson Builder, but fully modern, up-to-date, and fully integrated into Logos (I know Logos currently as Atlas and Media and Sermon Builder, but not all of the features of the legacy programs made it over).

    Dr. Nathan Parker

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    It would also be fun if Logos did a reboot of the old 16 Bit Logos Bible Clips, 3D Logos Bible Atlas, and Logos Lesson Builder, but fully modern, up-to-date, and fully integrated into Logos (I know Logos currently as Atlas and Media and Sermon Builder, but not all of the features of the legacy programs made it over).


  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,201 ✭✭✭✭

    DAL said:

    It would also be fun if Logos did a reboot of the old 16 Bit Logos Bible Clips, 3D Logos Bible Atlas, and Logos Lesson Builder, but fully modern, up-to-date, and fully integrated into Logos (I know Logos currently as Atlas and Media and Sermon Builder, but not all of the features of the legacy programs made it over).



  • Ryland Brown
    Ryland Brown Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭

    Either get rid of the logo near the home button or make it useful for something.

  • Randy
    Randy Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    Either get rid of the logo near the home button or make it useful for something.


  • Randy
    Randy Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    1. Get rid of this sliding bar on the mobile navigation. 

    You've got 1,500 chapters on a two-inch slider. It's almost useless for navigating at the chapter level. 

    2. Replace it with a chapter up, chapter down arrow.

    When you have multiple, synced commentaries open, and you finish reading one of them, you have to manually scroll back to the beginning of the chapter each and every time you want to slide to a new resource. A simple up/down arrow would allow you to quickly reset to the beginning of the chapter.

  • JoshInRI
    JoshInRI Member Posts: 1,942 ✭✭✭

    God bless all your efforts. For 9 I wish as I have for years a Bible Study mode with pre selected books, templates, maps, pronunciation guide, dictonary, etc that make a common Bible study person effective and useful in a round group study going passage by passage through scripture. Take a look at THE QUEST STUDY BIBLE for an example you can expand upon.  Keep it simple and useful without a lot of rabbit trails and side study offshoots.

    I challenge you in Christ Jesus and offer my prayers to God you will wholly revamp and simplify the basic guts of the program.

    Glory to God...Jesus lead on.

  • Randy
    Randy Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    JoshInRI said:

    God bless all your efforts. For 9 I wish as I have for years a Bible Study mode with pre selected books, templates, maps, pronunciation guide, dictonary, etc that make a common Bible study person effective and useful in a round group study going passage by passage through scripture. Take a look at THE QUEST STUDY BIBLE for an example you can expand upon.  Keep it simple and useful without a lot of rabbit trails and side study offshoots.

    I challenge you in Christ Jesus and offer my prayers to God you will wholly revamp and simplify the basic guts of the program.

    Glory to God...Jesus lead on.

    Thanks for your input. 

    The Faithlife Study Bible is kind of like this, and it's included in Logis 8 Basic: Faithlife Study Bible

    Aside from that, if anyone knows of a chapter-by-chapter Bible summary that's better than these two works, please let me know.

    Summarized Bible by Keith L. Brooks:New TestamentOld Testament

    With the Word by Wiersbe

    I checked out the Quest Bible a bit. They seem to follow the cultural relevance philosophy on 1 Timothy 2:11-15, but were pretty solid on 1 Peter 3. While it helps to know what was going on in the culture of the time the Bible was written, I'm very leary about works that try to dismiss the relevance of the Bible on the grounds that it was "just for that culture". This is especially true when the passage itself bases the reasons on the order of God in creation, and the roles of man and woman in the fall, as it does in 1 Timothy 2:11-15.

  • Michel Pauw
    Michel Pauw Member Posts: 577 ✭✭✭

    Will it be possible - again - in Logos 9 to attach a note to a Greek lemma?!

    That would be sooo nice, for word studies!!

    Btw, this has been possible in the past (maybe Logos 6 or 7?), but the feature apparently disappeared [:'(]

    Dell XPS 17 9700, W11, 32GB, 1TB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
    L5+L9+L10 Portfolio | Logos Max | Translator's Workplace

  • Tom Vidal
    Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭

    You can add a lemma as an anchor point now. Is that different from what you are talking about?

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,137

    Tom Vidal said:

    You can add a lemma as an anchor point now. Is that different from what you are talking about?

    Yes, you can use them as an anchor point but there is no indication that this has been done in the resources (discussed in https://community.logos.com/forums/t/185249.aspx)

  • Tom Vidal
    Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭

    Oh, yes. I see that. Yes, I agree this would be helpful to have fixed!

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    Please add the ability to create our own timelines or add dates and events to Logos’s already existing timeline.  It’d be nice to be able to visualize our own information and project it on a screen 👍😁👌


  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,832 ✭✭✭

    Here’s an odd request: Get rid of the canvas tool! Some asked for the ability to create mind maps and it has been marked as “completed” in the user’s suggestion but that is far from the truth! Get rid of canvas and create some other tool instead or improve the sermon editor as has been requested for years.



  • Randy
    Randy Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    DAL said:

    Please add the ability to create our own timelines or add dates and events to Logos’s already existing timeline.  It’d be nice to be able to visualize our own information and project it on a screen 👍😁👌



  • Nathan Parker
    Nathan Parker Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭

    Three Things:

    1. In the mobile app, the app still occasionally automatically loads notes when opening books even if I've toggled them off. Since I have some hefty notes tied to Bibles, this dramatically reduces my performance when opening some Bibles when this occurs. I need a way to permanently set notes to books to not automatically load and allow me to toggle on notes for books when I want to.

    2. Text occasionally cuts off on the iPad. Force quitting and relaunching the app or toggling the iPad's orientation generally resolves the issue, but it's hugely annoying. I really want this resolved permanetly.

    3. I wish Logos would get rid of the large banners at the top of the home screen permanently. Once I had one appear since I joined the Precept group on Faithlife, once I received a Chinese one since I had purchased a free Chinese Bible, I received the COVID banner, and now I'm seeing one for my seminary since my seminary account is linked with my Logos account to ensure I'll receive all of the free books my seminary offers. These banners are simply annoying, especially when I've paid $$$$ for Logos and have a Connect membership on top of it and these look like "ads". Just. Get. Rid. Of. Them.

    Dr. Nathan Parker

  • James Johnson
    James Johnson Member Posts: 203 ✭✭

    Make a training course for free on how to use logos to the best ability it can be used, and dont refer people to MP seminars, and make it an included thing with an upgrade or new base package purchase. 

  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    You can go to logos.com/pro and get almost every video you'll need.  I like them a lot better than MP videos.  Better to learn with 5 minute videos than in a 'course' where you have to take a lot of notes.  Just work your way through the videos.  

  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    Make a training course for free on how to use logos to the best ability it can be used, and dont refer people to MP seminars, and make it an included thing with an upgrade or new base package purchase.

    FL offers a free Mobile Ed course, LT271: Study the Bible with Logos: Jonah 1. It covers many of the common Logos tools and features that a person would use to study the bible.

    It used to be included in feature sets (which are the non-library part of a base package). Although it's still available separately, I imagine it's been unbundled because it's several years old now and some features (such as Notes and the right-click menu) have radically changed in the meantime.

    Maybe Logos 9 will include a new Study the Bible with Logos course?

    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!

  • Nathan Parker
    Nathan Parker Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭

    Make a training course for free on how to use logos to the best ability it can be used, and dont refer people to MP seminars, and make it an included thing with an upgrade or new base package purchase. 

    I believe MP Seminars also includes a free overview course in Logos as well.

    LearnLogos.com also offers free live webinars. I've learned a ton from them.

    Dr. Nathan Parker

  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,201 ✭✭✭✭

    Make a training course for free on how to use logos to the best ability it can be used, and dont refer people to MP seminars, and make it an included thing with an upgrade or new base package purchase. 

    Agreed.  The quickstart videos are nice but I cannot think that it would do anything but help sales if they had something better showing how to use the software.  I love Logos and it has taken me time to learn it but not all are willing to do that.  The video doesn't have to be complex but something showing what each feature is and how to use it I think would be great.

  • David English
    David English Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Honestly, if logos 9 scrolled in 60+ frames I would be content. Preferable able to match any variable refresh rate on every platform.

  • Kaye Anderson
    Kaye Anderson Member Posts: 306 ✭✭

    I know I am late to this party so this is probably redundant but I'd enjoy two upgrades, one for desktop and one for mobile:

    desktop - more useful, configurable print function.  It is all over the place as far as things like font size and limited margin choices, depending on the kind of document.  I printed out a list of prayers today that came out in a huge font with poor spacing and a small subsection of Proverbs that did print better but did not allow me to change the margin to allow one last line on the page.  There wasn't much I could unless I wanted to dump into Word and work from there, which I don't.  :-D

    mobile - visual filters would be very exciting!  I gave up most of my direct highlighting a while back and now I create visual filters for whatever words I am studying in a resource.  Having that on my iPhone would be really useful.  I realize it is probably resource-intensive but phones are getting more capable so I am putting it out there with hope.  :-)

    Thanks for asking!


    "But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."  2 Timothy 4:5 (NASB)

  • Dr. Bill Patterson
    Dr. Bill Patterson Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I would love a neural interface without the prosthetics. :)

    Seriously, I am glad you have expanded to pastoral studies areas such as counseling, leadership, missions and preaching. Along with the go to guys you already have for preaching, look at Dr. Matthew Kim.  He has recently released some work and additional is coming in 2021.

    I am currently running a MacBookPro 2019 Four thunderbolt 3 ports with 512 GB SSD.  Storage is always an issue. What are you looking at for compression capabilities that would save hd but not sacrifice speed?

    Years ago you had a good interface with what is now Igniter media. That connectivity declined several years ago.

    Next Gen. will not appreciate how much time Logos saves them each week. I've been using your material since Libronix first came out. My seminary requires Logos 8 Gold. More upfront transparency on training for new comers would save some hrs for those of us that teach.

    Your Canvas tool might be confusing to those using Canvas for online classes.

    Buggy?  I keep losing the ability to see the parsing of a word when I hover it in the biblical text.

    Love the product and the resources. Don't bloat it with so much material that is copy write free.  Offer that for free downloads to those that want it.

  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    I would like to be able to have the English and Greek apostolic fathers linked so that I can highlight and make notes across both versions.

    It seems too that I am unable to open a passage guide for these texts either.  Aren't there commentaries available for the AP?

    That would be good.

    thank you

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,767

    It seems too that I am unable to open a passage guide for these texts either. 

    I commented in the other thread that the reverse interlinear is available. For Passage Guides, there is underlying coding required from Faithlife to make this possible. I would expect the resources that are canonical in some traditions to be handled before the non-canonical church Fathers. Note 1 & 2 Clement are canonical for the Copts.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Larry Craig
    Larry Craig Member Posts: 1,438 ✭✭✭

    Ever hear of Albert Sundberg?.  He was a professor I think at Garrett Seminar in Evanston IL.  His field of specialty was the canon, or least that's what he's written the most about.  He spoke a lot of how the early church regarded a lot of writings as inspired that never made the canon.  His point was that the canon is not the total of inspired works, but the standard (canon) for them.

  • David Ames
    David Ames Member Posts: 2,977 ✭✭✭

    What about download between options?  

    What if we add a day not to index on? 

    Thus during the week we might not care if Logos downloads and indexes or not. 

    But on the day of church service please do not start the indexer.  [Especially if I am giving the sermon / homily and am using my laptop to preach] 

    We just might want to download one last resource before service but please hold the indexer.

  • Randy
    Randy Member Posts: 112 ✭✭

    What about download between options?  

    What if we add a day not to index on? 

    Thus during the week we might not care if Logos downloads and indexes or not. 

    But on the day of church service please do not start the indexer.  [Especially if I am giving the sermon / homily and am using my laptop to preach] 

    We just might want to download one last resource before service but please hold the indexer.

    Yes. Until then, you can use the pause indexing for four hours option.

  • Ron Grimes
    Ron Grimes Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I would love the ability to give panels a title. I tend to have several panels with sets of tabs inside each. I have one for Greek Lexicons, Hebrew Lexicons, Jewish Midrash, Orthodox Commentary, etc. etc. It would be nice to be able to put those titles at the top of each panel. It would also be nice to be able to move an entire panel instead of having to move its sub-tabs one-by-one.

  • Robert Kelbe
    Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭

    Some more suggestions:

    • Desktop:
      • Sermon tool (similar to the notes tool) with filters for audience type, series, topics, passages, etc. and perhaps a spreadsheet view
      • Ability to duplicate a sermon (suppose I want to make changes to a sermon, I would preserve the original sermon and make changes to the copy. I tried copy pasting the content but the outlines weren't preserved, which leads me to...)
      • Ability to copy/paste from notes or another sermon document into a sermon document while preserving outlining
      • The Settings should include Greek and Hebrew sample text so you can preview the Greek and Hebrew font
      • Add a "skip" option for the Bible reading plan. That way you could catch up but still know which passages you didn't read.
      • Go box should be an omnibox where you could type names of tools to open them.
      • Repeated note icons should be displayed stacked to take up less space. Also re-think notes that are displayed for every verse. Perhaps as you scroll past the initial note icon it could "stick" to the top of the reading pane to let you know that there is still an active note as you continue scrolling past it.
    • Android
      • Pressing and holding the backspace key behaves weirdly in notes. It sometimes deletes the wrong direction, sometimes causes letters to be added, etc.
      • New tab should include Prayers in the "Tools" menu. Currently you can't Open prayers from a new tab.

    This isn't a feature, but I would love to see reported typos actually being corrected. I find so many typos in books that are freely available online but I pay more money for in Logos, for one reason because I expect them not to have typos. The help documentation is also riddled with typos. Perhaps you could reward people who submit typos, since they are doing some of the editing work that should have been done originally. Even 10 cents/typo seems like a fair amount that actually saves Logos money compared to having an employee find the typo. Just a thought!

    Below is a typo in a help card:

  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    Go box should be an omnibox where you could type names of tools to open them.

    You should be able to use show toolname to open that tool. E.g., show concordance


    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!

  • Robert Kelbe
    Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 633 ✭✭✭

    Thanks! More often than not, when I suggest a feature, I stand corrected because some form of it is already there.

  • Ryland Brown
    Ryland Brown Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭

    I would love the ability to give panels a title. I tend to have several panels with sets of tabs inside each. I have one for Greek Lexicons, Hebrew Lexicons, Jewish Midrash, Orthodox Commentary, etc. etc. It would be nice to be able to put those titles at the top of each panel. It would also be nice to be able to move an entire panel instead of having to move its sub-tabs one-by-one.

    This!  This would be helpful. 

  • JoshInRI
    JoshInRI Member Posts: 1,942 ✭✭✭

    I would love a english pronunciation guide that uses sound to share with readers and users how a word can be correctly pronounced.

    I know we have Greek and Hebrew sound files as I have seen them but why not what I call plain english pronunciations.

    Imagine reading the Bible publicly and being able to pronounce some of those names and locations with less effort because Logos helped you do so.

    imho, this should be a standard feature.,

  • Ben
    Ben Member Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭

    I really need more independent font control, particularly with size. That is, I need to be able to size my Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and English fonts separately. What is a readable size for Hebrew is wasting space with super-largeEnglish, but readable English makes Hebrew and Greek too small. 

    And in an ideal world, I could create some panels with separate fonts and backgrounds. That is, for example, I could set up my Dead Sea Scrolls panels to have a papyrus background and different font than BHS. Doing something like this gives visual indication of what text (or kind of text) you’re looking at, helps keep things mentally organized. 

    "The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected."- G.K. Chesterton

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,196 ✭✭✭✭

    Ben said:

    I really need more independent font control, particularly with size. That is, I need to be able to size my Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and English fonts separately. What is a readable size for Hebrew is wasting space with super-largeEnglish, but readable English makes Hebrew and Greek too small

    Definitely, though I'd assume we're a few weeks out from L9 (judging from being down to 2-3 star-people, plus Phil on pins and needles).

    My crazy solution is a mass-small, followed by selective-bigs for english, since the hebrew is so hard to manage. Resource type backgrounding also nice, though selective also nice.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Nathan Parker
    Nathan Parker Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭

    JoshInRI said:

    I would love a english pronunciation guide that uses sound to share with readers and users how a word can be correctly pronounced.

    I know we have Greek and Hebrew sound files as I have seen them but why not what I call plain english pronunciations.

    Imagine reading the Bible publicly and being able to pronounce some of those names and locations with less effort because Logos helped you do so.

    imho, this should be a standard feature.,

    Already there, just kind of hidden.

    Dr. Nathan Parker

  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,468

    Below is a typo in a help card:

    Thanks. I've reported it to the right people.

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • Sean Boisen
    Sean Boisen Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,452

    JoshInRI said:

    I would love a english pronunciation guide that uses sound to share with readers and users how a word can be correctly pronounced.

    I know we have Greek and Hebrew sound files as I have seen them but why not what I call plain english pronunciations.

    Imagine reading the Bible publicly and being able to pronounce some of those names and locations with less effort because Logos helped you do so.

    imho, this should be a standard feature.,

    We have that now for the large majority of words in Factbook. Click on the speaker icon to hear the English pronunciation. 

    You can also open the Pronunciation Tool and choose a different pronunciation type (Greek, in several styles, Hebrew, etc.)