Hey, how did I get these themporaries?

I just love sorting things out. So recently I decided to tag my temporary resources with their source (Basic packages etc).
Lots of fun. I know what I got in L8 basic, in L8 Verbum Basic, in L8 Familylife Basic and in my connect essentials library. But I am not sure which I got from L8 Academic (Verbum). So I have a few titles left, of which I honestly do not know how I got them. Do you have them? Any clue why?
I think I got these in L8 Academic basic but not sure:
Anyone some idea?
My "Luther Primer:...." and "Devotional Readings from Luther...." are Connect resources from July 2019.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Ah, great. And they just forgot to withdraw them as a preview from that month? Or they where added to the collection.
Anyways, sounds very likely for me to since they were added in July 2019. Thanks!