Searching question -- a little help please

I apologize for the simplicity of this question but I'm a little new to this, how does one search for the following: 1) how many times in the NT has a specific person been referred to as a deacon or 2) how many times has the term "angel of the Lord" not applied to Christ?
Can I use a template to structure the search or is the search a little more complicated than that? Appreciate any and all advice. Thanks!
James Thompson
Hi James
James Thompson said:I apologize for the simplicity of this question but I'm a little new to this
That's one of the main reasons the forums are here - so we can support each other in using this software. So no apologies necessary
James Thompson said:1) how many times in the NT has a specific person been referred to as a deacon
You can run a Bible search for deacon as below - and with just five results it is easy to see whether they are identified as anyone specific.
2) how many times has the term "angel of the Lord" not applied to Christ?
You could use the "NOT INTERSECTS" operator to find occurrences of one term that don't overlap the other
But it's worth noting just using "INTERSECTS" to find those cases where they overlap results in zero hits
What this is saying is that the tagging applied within Logos does not see any places where the term "Angel of the Lord" refers to the person of Jesus. But that might not give you the answer you were looking for!
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James Thompson said:
2) how many times has the term "angel of the Lord" not applied to Christ?
As Graham has already answered, this is a tagging issue.
But it is also a theological issue which you cannot answer through searching. If you get any hits it will merely be the opinion of the person doing the tagging.
The answer to that question, being theological, is also beyond the scope of this forum.