Dataset Updates: Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Rick Brannan (Logos)
Rick Brannan (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,862
edited November 2024 in English Forum

The following datasets are scheduled to be updated today, April 14, 2020:


  • Grammar Cross-Referenes (English): Updated Resources

Reverse Interlinears

  • Schlachter 2000 (OT, NT)

If this update is not published today (April 14, 2020) I'll update this post.

Rick Brannan
Data Wrangler, Faithlife
My books in print



  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,186 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you Rick!

    Just a thought, but do you think you could put all of these into one continuous post from now on?  For example, Kyle has a continuous post on the systematic theology updates that one could easily follow with email updates.  I would think it would be easier for people to follow all the updates and an easy way to look back.  I could be wrong though but just a thought.

    Regardless thank you for taking the time to make these updates.