Searching for a Noun Pattern in Hebrew

Let's say I want to search for all nouns with the same pattern as מִקְדָּשׁ and I want to do this using my resource Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Hebrew (Old Testament). For starters, I know that the מִקְדָּשׁ is transliterated in that resource as miq·dāš.
My question is whether or not I can use any tool on Logos to search for 'mi?·?ā?'. That is to say, I want to look for this noun pattern without specifying the consonantal root. Is there any way to search for something on Logos with an "anything can go in this slot" value?
Thank you!
-Andrew Hodge
Does wildcard searching - - help you here?
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Thanks for taking a look at my question!
Wildcards seem to work in the regular text of DBL Hebrew, but they're very inconsistent with the transliterations. Try searching mi*ā* for example. Or how to have מַקֶּבֶת mǎq·qě·ḇěṯ show up in a search like mǎ*ě*ěṯ?
Honestly, I don't need to approach this problem by learning how to do it in DBL Hebrew. If there's any way at all to search for nouns with a noun pattern, that will be plenty for me.
-Andrew H.
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I'm very new to the syntax search, but one that stood out to me was the "Root Formation Graphical Form" section when word is selected in the "add search terms" (you have to have selected Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: WIVU Syntactic Analysis to have these options available).
I honestly have no idea what to do or how to use that feature, but maybe it'll help.
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Andrew Hodge said:
Let's say I want to search for all nouns with the same pattern as מִקְדָּשׁ and I want to do this using my resource Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Hebrew (Old Testament).
One suggestion is opening Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Hebrew (Old Testament) since lemma entries are sorted alphabetically (noticed four definitions for headword). Another idea is right click on מִקְדָּשׁ so can search headword in all resources:
Headword search for מִקְדָּשׁ finds many results in The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew | DCH (8 vols.) (and other resources) that have various vowel pointings (since [match vowels] was not specified for search).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks for looking into this. Would this allow me to get results as varied as מִקְדָּשׁ, מִגְרָשׁ, and מִפְעָל?
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Andrew Hodge said:
Honestly, I don't need to approach this problem by learning how to do it in DBL Hebrew. If there's any way at all to search for nouns with a noun pattern, that will be plenty for me.
For this type of search I would use the Biblia Hebraica Transcripta. One of its unique features is that you can search for word construction patterns: