Vocabulary Lists

R. Charles Nance
R. Charles Nance Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am just starting my studies of Hebrew as a language.  I have been looking for software to drill flashcards that sort of thing. I have found one I like, but while looking I saw a video from another bible software system that allowed you to take a passage from a book (I this case the Hebrew Bible) and create a vocabulary list from the book, or section thereof. It would give you all the words used in that passage and their frequency that you could then export into your flashcard program. Is there a similar feature on logos for creating a vocabulary list from the text.



  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,143

    Hi Charles, welcome to the user forums!

    bible software system that allowed you to take a passage from a book (I this case the Hebrew Bible) and create a vocabulary list from the book, or section thereof. It would give you all the words used in that passage and their frequency

    This is exactly how it works (one way it works) in Logos. You go to the Docs menu and select a new Word List document:

    Then you go to Add, choose a bible and a passage and let Logos create a Word List. 

    It will have glosses, frequency and even audio.

    Logos automatically syncs your Word lists to the free mobile Flashcard app which you can use for the drills.

    EDIT: you can of course print those to paper for old-fashioned vocabulary learning or export the Word List (e.g. save as XML, fine tune headers and columns in a spreadsheet application) to use in any other app of your liking.  

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile