Evernote with Logos 8

Scott Nickerson
Scott Nickerson Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm sure this has been covered here, but just in case...

Among the things that I think we all would like to see in Logos is the ability to put images and other types of attachments in notes.

I have kind of a work-around if anyone is interested.

I am an avid Evernote user. One of the things I love about Evernote is the freedom to attach all forms of media to a note. One way that I use my beloved Logos with my beloved Evernote is to create a note with the kind of content that I want in Evernote, then copy the link to the note and paste the link in a note in Logos. Not an ideal solution, but works wonderfully.

