Logos 8 on two computers

Byron Hill
Byron Hill Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

How can I have logos 8 on two computers? 

My wife has has her own copy Logos 7. 
Can I put my Logos 8 on her computer too?




  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010

    Best to use a separate user on the computer. If you put it under the same user, Logos 8 will probably overwrite seven. 

    She can upgrade to Logos 8 engine for free. https://www.logos.com/product/168880/logos-8-basic

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,145

    How can I have logos 8 on two computers? 

    Welcome [:D]

    Logos Install => https://www.logos.com/install Logos Wiki has => Quick Installation onto multiple computers (for Windows) & => Quick Installation onto Multiple Macs

    My purchased library is completely downloaded (~100 GB) on two computers for my use: 27" iMac Desktop (macOS 10.15 Catalina) and 17" Dell Laptop (Windows 10 Pro 1909). Thankful can use Verbum at the same time on both computers with my demonstration library being partially downloaded (order total of $ 0.00 includes Logos 8 Fundamentals that is a worthwhile upgrade from Logos 8 Basic).

    My wife has has her own copy Logos 7. 
    Can I put my Logos 8 on her computer too?

    Non-install option is Web App => https://app.logos.com (using more than one Web Browser/user allows more than one Web App to be open with different libraries). Concur your wife can freely upgrade to Logos 8 Basic

    Depends on who will be using your Logos library on her computer. Logos application has a sign-in option so one installation can have library resources for more than one user (allows one user at a time to use their personal library). Separate operating system users also allows other items (e.g. Mail) to be configured per user. Google Chrome allows more than one login (email) to be used at the same time.

    Faithlife Terms => https://faithlife.com/terms (last updated on 15 Mar 2019) include Logos Bible Software (LBS)

    LBS Licenses may ONLY be used on devices owned by the licensee in whose name the LBS License is registered. Each LBS License is granted for use by one human user only, even where the LBS License is registered in the name of an institution such as a church. We reserve the right to monitor use of the Services subject to LBS Licenses to detect, prevent and disable excessive simultaneous logins on different devices indicating use of the Services by more than one human user. We do not offer site-licenses, shared licenses, co-op licenses, or library licenses.

    Faithlife allows one human user to have/use LBS on an unlimited number of computers.

    Keep Smiling [:)]