A great quartet of Pauline books on pre-order.

I own 3 of the 4 books in this set in hardcopy and have wanted these in Verbum for years. (I don't own the Bauckham volume, but it looks solid.)
For those interested in the Fathers, Ben Blackwell's Christosis is a fine work on the Patristic reception of Paul, looking in particular at Irenaeus and Cyril of Alexandria. (Blackwell also has an essay on Irenaeus's use of Paul in Letter & Spirit 11 which is quite good).
Chris Tilling's Paul's Divine Christology is a denser work, but worth the effort. I really think this work in particular will benefit from Logos-functionality.
Even though all four volumes have been subsequently picked up by either Eerdmans and Baker (hence much cheaper than their Mohr Siebeck counterparts), you can't get all 4 for this price.