PB Epub to Word internal hyperlinks in Logos?

Mendel Itkin
Mendel Itkin Member Posts: 178 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi, I converted an Epub to Word. Endnotes in the Epub were converted as hyperlinks in Word. When I click on the endnote number (which is a hyperlink) the page changes to a different page in the same document. But Logos doesn't recognize these internal hyperlinks. Is there a way to fix this? 




  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,102

    You can use a Word Bookmark as the link (links to Headings don't work) - it's very accurate.

    For page links, if note(s) are at top of a page:

    [[End note 1 >> VolumePage:2,1]]  



    [[@VolumePage:2,1]]   ----> start of page

    End note 1 xxxxxxx

    End note 2 yyyyyyy


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