URGENT: Help solve crash

Pieter J.
Pieter J. Member Posts: 533 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Last week Thrusday the 14th Windows 10 updated unexpectedly. After the update all my applications started to crash. I even lost a few files. As I was in the middle of several projects with a deadline for Sunday I decided to do the drastic. I made a BackUp of my complete Logos installation and did a clean installation of Windows (10 Pro Build 18363)

I installed Logos and got it up and running. As I didn't had the time to download 45G of data neither the speed to complete it in time I tried all possible configurations to get it to work. The reason is because each and everytime Logos opened it crashed around 10 seconds later. The log files gave me a hint, "Invalid database". So I started to kind of debug to figure out what it could be. I ended up realising that each and every db in Data and Document folders seem to be corrupt. I did not try to validate this by opening my databases with a SQLLiteBrowser. I had only one thing in mind, I need to get Logos running to complete my work. (The online app was not an option as it took almost 5 minutes, thats how it seemed to be under presure, to open a resource or do a search)

I tried to copy, scan, you name it, I tried every possible way to get my resources back in to Logos. I eventually ended up downloading them all. It's one week and one day later and everything seem to be downloaded and indexed.

Finally I can start to work again ... right-click in ESV, click on a Greek Lemma ... and hang... hang ... crash.

Error detail: SQLiteException: unable to open database file: unable to open database file

The PronunciationsResourceCore seem to be the sinner as you will see the confession in my logfiles.

Currently I'm running Logos on a custom install on a seperate partition as this is the only conffiguration I got this far. It's also the fastest way to recover from a complete system crash. I'm tired of struggling ... I know I'm only missing something small, but can't figure it out.

And then again, I have a deadline of 10 Sermons starting this Sunday. While I wait for a genius solution I'm going to try and repair Logos. If not working I'll backup Users, Documents and Data Folders, reinstall Logos. Copy the Users, Document and Data Folder back or Scan for Resources without copying the Data folder.

May my cry for help be answered ... any help would be appreciated.


