Bible Search Results different to L3

Dave Hooton
Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,070
edited November 2024 in English Forum

The following Bible searches were for "God", case insensitive, no stemming/no Match Forms.

The Range in both was Bible & Apocrypha (Gen--Rev).


Search Results
Bible Grid

L4 Verses

L3 Chapter

L3 NABWRNT 4944 4944
L4 NABWRNT** 4674 4726
L3 ESV 4439 4439
L4 ESV 4359 4359
L3 NET 4124 4124
L4 NET 3897 3897
L3 NASB95 4411 4411
L4 NASB95 4363 4363
L3 NKJV 4425 4425
L4 NKJV 4397 4397
L3 HCSB 4417 4417
L4 HCSB 4061 4061
L3 Message 11904 11904
L4 Message** 10107 10107
















** there were different numbers of verses between Grid and Verses


Windows 11 & Android 13



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,070

    I re-ran the Bible Searches based on the explanation for Basic Search discrepancies at

    After comparing L4 God OR god's with L3 God the differences remaining are:-

    1. NABWRNT

    L4  4891 /4313  4891 /4313

    L3  4944 /4344  4944

    The main difference is due to handling of the Apocrypha:-

    L4 includes Daniel 3, but excludes

    Add Esther, Letter of Jeremiah (=Baruch6), Susanna (=Dan13) and Bel&Drag (=Dan 14).

    But there are still differences with the normal Bible range.

    The NRSV handles the Apocrypha better but it has a different # of verses between Grid (4955/4328) and Verses (4955/4327). L3 has 4955/4327.


    2. Message

    L4  11907 /9082  11907 /9061

    L3  11904 /9060  11904


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,070

    This problem continues for NABWRNT. Note if All Passages is used NAB gets 4944/4361 by Verse but Grid produces 4891/4313!


    Windows 11 & Android 13