Bible Search Results different to L3

The following Bible searches were for "God", case insensitive, no stemming/no Match Forms.
The Range in both was Bible & Apocrypha (Gen--Rev).
Bible | Grid |
L4 Verses L3 Chapter |
L3 NABWRNT | 4944 | 4944 |
L4 NABWRNT** | 4674 | 4726 |
L3 ESV | 4439 | 4439 |
L4 ESV | 4359 | 4359 |
L3 NET | 4124 | 4124 |
L4 NET | 3897 | 3897 |
L3 NASB95 | 4411 | 4411 |
L4 NASB95 | 4363 | 4363 |
L3 NKJV | 4425 | 4425 |
L4 NKJV | 4397 | 4397 |
L3 HCSB | 4417 | 4417 |
L4 HCSB | 4061 | 4061 |
L3 Message | 11904 | 11904 |
L4 Message** | 10107 | 10107 |
** there were different numbers of verses between Grid and Verses
Windows 11 & Android 13
I re-ran the Bible Searches based on the explanation for Basic Search discrepancies at
After comparing L4 God OR god's with L3 God the differences remaining are:-
L4 4891 /4313 4891 /4313
L3 4944 /4344 4944
The main difference is due to handling of the Apocrypha:-
L4 includes Daniel 3, but excludes
Add Esther, Letter of Jeremiah (=Baruch6), Susanna (=Dan13) and Bel&Drag (=Dan 14).
But there are still differences with the normal Bible range.
The NRSV handles the Apocrypha better but it has a different # of verses between Grid (4955/4328) and Verses (4955/4327). L3 has 4955/4327.
2. Message
L4 11907 /9082 11907 /9061
L3 11904 /9060 11904
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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This problem continues for NABWRNT. Note if All Passages is used NAB gets 4944/4361 by Verse but Grid produces 4891/4313!
===Windows 11 & Android 13