Searching for sense of a word.

Paul Hinsberg
Paul Hinsberg Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

When searching I know that you have search on the sense of a word, but what are the limitations?  For example I was trying to see when "my people"  as spoken by a prophet or God occurred. 'People' can have multiple senses, but I am looking for the general group.  Easy enough.  However, what happens when it isn't the word 'people' - for example what if the term is 'flock' or 'sheep'?  Is the sense search capable of pulling those up as results?  



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,026

    If you open the Bible Sense Lexicon (Tools menu), you can see the hierarchy of "people".  <Sense people> will find all those in the hierarchy, including "flock". Note that <Sense =people> will restrict the search to "people".

    The drop-down for "people" will show "people group as sheep", and will provide a separate <Sense...> for a search. You could combine the two and search for  <Sense people group ⇔ sheep>, <Sense people>. Or you could search <Sense people ⇔ flock>, <Sense people group ⇔ sheep>


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