Searching for sense of a word.
When searching I know that you have search on the sense of a word, but what are the limitations? For example I was trying to see when "my people" as spoken by a prophet or God occurred. 'People' can have multiple senses, but I am looking for the general group. Easy enough. However, what happens when it isn't the word 'people' - for example what if the term is 'flock' or 'sheep'? Is the sense search capable of pulling those up as results?
If you open the Bible Sense Lexicon (Tools menu), you can see the hierarchy of "people". <Sense people> will find all those in the hierarchy, including "flock". Note that <Sense =people> will restrict the search to "people".
The drop-down for "people" will show "people group as sheep", and will provide a separate <Sense...> for a search. You could combine the two and search for <Sense people group ⇔ sheep>, <Sense people>. Or you could search <Sense people ⇔ flock>, <Sense people group ⇔ sheep>
===Windows 11 & Android 13