Logos Errors on Start-up with "An Upgrade is Required". But Logos Installers says I have latest vers

tomdoyle Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

When statting up Logos, I gat an error message saying:

Some of your resources and documents are not compatible with this version.  To continue using Logos Bible Software, upgrade to version 8.14 or later".  To install the latest version, visit https://www.logos.com/install.

So I download the Logos installer.  It says:

"Logos Bible Software is up-to-date."

So how do I fix this issue?




  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,026

    Are you on Windows or Mac? What was your previous version of Logos?

    After you run the installer, please upload the log files by attaching to the paper-clip icon.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • tomdoyle
    tomdoyle Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Windows 10.  Logos just upgraded to the latest version automatically about a week ago.  I don't recall the version.  It looks like it may be in the log file from what I see.

    I am not sure I am generating the log files.  When I launch Logos with the CTRL key depressed, it makes me log into Faithlife.  

    After I enter my userid/password, I click "Sign in" with the CTRL key still held down.  Logos then launches.  "Preparing your Library" briefly flashes by and I then get the error.  

    I searched for the log files in the path specified on the Logos Diagnostic web site.  I can only find them at this location. 


    Those files are in the attached .zip.  But there are no log files from today.  Just from this past Wednesday.  I had Windows search the entire "Users" directory.  Those are the only log files that showed up.


  • tomdoyle
    tomdoyle Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    So I enabled javascript logging to force it to log.

    I did get a current Logos log file which is attached.5734.Logos.zip

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,026

    tomdoyle said:

    So I enabled javascript logging to force it to log.

    The logs show a conflict which probably is a Registry error (technical). I recommend you completely uninstall/reinstall Logos, but we can save you from having to download resources.

    1. Move resources to another location on the C: drive (Step 1 at https://wiki.logos.com/Quick_Installation_onto_multiple_computers#Method_3 )

    2. Uninstall Logos from Control Panel > Programs and Features

    2. Delete the folder C:\Users\tom-doyle\AppData\Local\Logos

    3. Reinstall using the Installer (Step 2 onwards in the Wiki)


    Windows 11 & Android 13