Morph Search Help

Ryland Brown
Ryland Brown Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm just getting used to morphological searches.  Such a powerful tool! 

I searched for any time the Holy Spirit is in the feminine.  As you can see 11 results come back.  However, when I click on those words it's a word related to Spirit that is feminine, while Spirit remains in either masculine or neuter. 

Can someone help me understand why it's getting me this data when I'm only searching for Spirit?  Also, why does Feminine have an option under with a line?  What does that represent?

Thanks so much! 



  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,051

    oldpaths said:

    Can someone help me understand why it's getting me this data when I'm only searching for Spirit?

    Your query consists of two "terms": <Person Holy Spirit> <LogosMorphGr ~ N??F?>

    If no search operator is specified, the default operator is AND, which finds both those items in the same verse. That is why you appear to be getting unrelated words.

    To enforce a closer relationship between the terms you're looking for, use INTERSECTS: <Person Holy Spirit> INTERSECTS <LogosMorphGr ~ N??F?>

    This will find where the two items overlap in the text they apply to (and not just co-occur in the same verse).