SUGGESTION: Punctuation Indexing

I came across Jeremiah 33:2 where there is a parenthetical remark in the NKJV:
“Thus says the LORD who made it, the LORD who formed it to establish it (the LORD is His name):"
I remembered a previous parenthetical remark in Jeremiah 31:35. It occurred to me that these parenthetical remarks are often unusually interesting, and I wanted to see what other parenthetical remarks there were.
I thought it would be easy - just search for (. When that yielded nothing I tried searching for "(". After looking online for a possible escape code, I found that Logos does not index punctuation. It seems like this would be useful not only for finding text in parentheses in an English translation, but also sentences that end with exclamation marks or question marks.
In the meantime, I'm guessing someone will say that Logos has a dataset that tags verses with parenthetical remarks (this isn't perfect, because I'm more interested in where a particular translation decided to use parentheses), but its better than anything. However, I didn't see any useful tags when I right-clicked on a word within the parenthesis.
Alternatively, I know the Find command will find parentheses, but this doesn't give me a list of verses that I can look through all at once, and see how many from each book, etc.
Thanks in advance for your consideration and any help that might be offered,
If punctuation is part of a word, it is indexed e.g. search for God's
There is a dataset for Questions in the Bible (independent of actual punctuation) and there is a visual filter/dataset for Speech in Bibles (also independent of the punctuation). But there is no dataset for parenthetical remarks in the Bible; which would also be independent of the punctuation.
If you have the Lexham Discourse feature (2x Visual filters), the Hebrew filter reveals something potentially useful for Jer 33.2 and 31:35 (Overspecification) that can be used in a Search of relevant bibles to check against their punctuation e.g. <LDHB = Overspecification>, or <LDGNT = Overspecification> in the NT. Of course, it is overloaded...
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