Copy Bible Verses Edit Style Formatting
Hi all
I noticed that ALL Bible Spanish versions using the Copy Bible Verse Tool uses a period (.) instead of a colon (:) between the Chapter and the Verse. i.e
Génesis 1.1 En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
However, Spanish bibles quote passages using a colon between the chapter and verse, not a period.
This is really annoying since I want my quoted verses to have a colon instead of a period. I looked all Replacement Token references but I dont find any option or style to make it work. The interest thing is that this style affect ALL and Spanish bibles, none in English
Thank you for your Reply. God bless you all in these trouble times
Thank you Graham for your reply. So prompt as always. You do a great work!
I'll try your recommendations. I saw a colon instead of a period between chapter and verse, thats good news
God bless you richly
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Michael said:
I saw a colon instead of a period between chapter and verse, thats good news
You can insert any character or text between [key words]
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thank you Dave
As much as I tried I wasn't able to create the style that I wanted but I appreciate your suggestions. I wonder why in the world all Spanish bibles have this format, a period instead of a colon between chapter and verse.
God bless you richly