Dashboard settings do not work, how do i get them to work?

Dashboard settings do not work, how do i get them to work?
For example, my cards are three in a row and I want five but nothing happens when I change the setting. I also press refresh and nothing changes. so how do I fix this or find the problem?
David the cards do not auto scale depending on number selected, so if your desktop resolution is too low, or if the Logos 'Program Scaling' or 'Content Scaling' is set too high, you will only be able to fit so many cards on the home page, no matter what you specify.
If your current three cards take up most your screen width, you will have to alter one of the above settings to reduce the size of the cards, to allow more to fit in the screen width, although obviously this is going to change the size of everything else in Logos, so you might want to note the current settings from 'Program Settings->Accessibility->Program|Content Scaling' within Logos.
N.B. Changing the content scaling will not apply until you either change the Program Scaling to something else then back, or you reopen the software.
Do you think this might be relevant to your problem? Perhaps you could post a screenshot of your home page if this does not help you.