Can I use Grid or Aligned view on Basic search results of 'Your Documents' (esp. Notes)?

Josiah Young
Josiah Young Member Posts: 150 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Is there any way to view multiple Basic search hits on the same note file using the "Grid" or "Aligned" views available in the Bible search feature? It is difficult to find specific strings when I have to search for something, make a list of the notes that returned a hit, and then search again within each individual note. I'm guessing it's not available so this is worded somewhat as a suggestion, but I would be very happy to find out I was overlooking something! Any help gladly appreciated.

What I see in the Basic search:

The format I want to see in Basic for hits in my notes, but currently only showing up in Bible search:

I recognize that there are no tags in the notes file (e.g. headings) for separate results in search like there are in the Bible (references), but even if it could just display nearby text for a brief check before the user decides to open the notes file, that would be a huge help!

Best case would perhaps be that Grid view begins with the sentence where the hit occurs, and Aligned could just work as-is. Then a click on a search result would navigate to the nearest preceding paragraph break in the notes file and highlight the searched string.



  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,051

    No, the Grid and Aligned results views are only available for Bible resources, not user documents (including Notes).