Navigating Sermon Archives with Link Sets
Hey folks. Is it possible to navigate to sermons that use particular references using link sets? For example, I have open the Tim Keller sermon archive and I go to a reference. My commentaries will all navigate to that reference, but it appears that the sermon archives don't do that. Is there another solution, other than manually searching through all the sermon archives each time I want to see how a passage is addressed?
Hi Elliott:
One way I know to do that would be to use a Passage Guide and put the guide in the same link set as the other resources you're studying. That should give you the flow you're looking for. You could close all of the sections except Sermons for speed purposes, or you could create a custom guide that has only sermons. The sermon archives vary in how detailed they are indexed, but I think this should expose most of the archives you purchase from Logos. If you need help with the Passage Guide, see Logos Help or see this Wiki page. If you want to try a custom guide, search (Ctrl+F; second hit) for Custom Guides in the Help resource (link refuses to work) or this Wiki page. Or you can ask questions here.
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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