Logos Tech Tip: "Every Search Tells a Story" question

Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell
Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell Member Posts: 716 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Don't know who else received this but I have a question - so I decided to apply what I had learned to do a search of the word " abomination* " in the entire Bible.

No problems. But when I come to graph the results, I'd love for them to show up in the same type of graph that Logos included in the e-mail:

However, that doesn't show up anywhere as a possible graphic "look" for me. I have Result Map, Bar Chart, Column Chart (this would probably be the relevant one, only looking different), and Pie Chart, none of which look like they can be modified to look like the above.

Am I missing something? Anyone?

Thanks all, and thanks Logos for these useful emails I get!

