Install program files and resources on different drives

Win Noren
Win Noren Member Posts: 10 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am a new Logos user coming from the Wordsearch acquisition and trying to get Logos installed to maximize my computer setup. I have a solid state drive (drive C) where I like to install actual programs and then a huge internal hard drive where I like to store data (drive D).

Initially, I installed Logos using the defaults which put it on drive C (my smaller solid state drive) along with only small portion of my resources. But I was tired of everything not being downloaded. So I uninstalled and installed again having the program and everything installed on my large data drive. But now the program runs much slower.

Can anyone guide me to how I can install the program itself on drive C (my smaller solid state drive; default location is fine) and then to have my books, bibles, etc. on my large (internal) regular hard drive?

Appreciate the assistance.




  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Interesting question, and I don't know the answer off hand. I feel like I should. Because I encountered this issue a while back.

    My first ssd was quite small, and wouldn't hold my Logos library.

    When I eventually had the resources to upgrade, I was able to get an 512gb M.2 which made a dramatic difference in speed. But also gave me enough room for Logos also.

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,148

    Win Noren said:

    Can anyone guide me to how I can install the program itself on drive C (my smaller solid state drive; default location is fine) and then to have my books, bibles, etc. on my large (internal) regular hard drive?

    There's ways to do that, but I wouldn't recommend it. Since you don't like that Logos works slow when installed at the large non-SSD: The most relevant factor for Logos performance is disk I/O. Thus, make room for the library on the SSD and install all of it there. 

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,456

    Greetings Win and welcome to the forum community.

    Sorry to say I have to confirm what Mick has said. If you do not like the whole thing on the slower driver I predict you would even less satisfied with the split arrangement.

    The best thing you could do is to purchase a larger Solid State Drive and dispose of one of the other two. In the long run, you will find that both a spinning disk and a small SSD will become fairly useless.

    The only good news is that the price of SSD's is dropping as time goes on.

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS

  • Win Noren said:

    Initially, I installed Logos using the defaults which put it on drive C (my smaller solid state drive) along with only small portion of my resources. But I was tired of everything not being downloaded. So I uninstalled and installed again having the program and everything installed on my large data drive. But now the program runs much slower.


    Can anyone guide me to how I can install the program itself on drive C (my smaller solid state drive; default location is fine) and then to have my books, bibles, etc. on my large (internal) regular hard drive?

    Welcome [:D]

    Concur fastest configuration for Logos is everything installed on SSD. Slowest configuration is everything on a spinning disk drive. Logos is a resource intensive application that noticeably benefits from being on SSD (with indexer having optimizations for SSD usage).

    My demonstration account uses 16.2 GB on storage that includes 9.5 GB of Resources (441 downloaded resources with 263 resources on Faithlife servers) and 4.7 GB of WebCache (downloaded videos for Mobile Education courses). If needed to free up storage space, the first folder to relocate is WebCache (playing videos from a data drive may play back OK if not competing with something else). Next folder to consider is Resources since those files are read by the application. Caveat: a number of Resource files are used by various Datasets and Features so Logos performance may be noticeably affected by relocation. Logos Wiki has => Install in different folder or drive

    Keep Smiling [:)]