Workflow and Notes panels constantly refreshing when typing

I started an exegetical passage workflow. Using the Open Note button in the workflow, I opened the Note that the workflow generated and have them opened side by side.
When I type in the Notes panel OR the text box in the workflow, one or both of the panels begins constantly refreshing--almost with each keystroke.
Is there a way to prevent this from happening? It's very annoying.
Matt Doebler said:
I started an exegetical passage workflow.
Do you mean the Passage Exegesis workflow? Just checking we are talking about the same thing
Matt Doebler said:When I type in the Notes panel OR the text box in the workflow, one or both of the panels begins constantly refreshing--almost with each keystroke.
Do you mean that text you type in one appears in the other - or something else?
When I try it, text typed in one does appear in the other (which is understandable as they are two views on the same thing) but it is in small batches of text.
Running on Mac. Which platform are you using?