Tip: Combining Logos and Accordance Pretty Workable

DMB Member Posts: 13,747 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Logos DOES have a big library. But not completely. Sometimes you'd like to sort of use both. And on ios (don't know about android), it seems to work pretty good. Even on an ipad mini.

I wanted to take a look at the early latin prior to Jerome. Accordance has Latina; and I have Jerome on Logos (Clementine).

In the screen shot below, Accordance is on the left (top: Vetus Latina; bottom: targums). And Logos on the right (top; LXX; bottom Clementine). If you're wondering, I have LXX across from Latina, since they seem to closely track. Of course, the Targums and Clementine track the underlying MT.

But even on a small hand-held (mini), quite workable. I haven't tried an Olivetree combo.

BTW, has anyone noticed Faithlife's strange adverts/related-posts as you post here:

"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
