Silver or Bronze?

I currently have the Silver package. I plan on using Logos just for in-depth individual bible study.
I’m questioning if the Silver package is more than I need and if the Bronze would be sufficient. I am still within the window of when I could make changes to my account.
I cannot give you any more advice than you were given here a month ago when you asked about upgrading from Bronze to Silver. Personally, I see things of significant value in Silver, but only you can prayerfully decide if it is good stewardship of your money.
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials
L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze
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Hi James,
Ken's advise is the correct advise as only you can decide what is best for you. I would suggest you compare the feature sets between Bronze and Silver to see if there are anything you find useful in Silver not in Bronze. I do not recall if there are differences.
My personal experience is that I have found value that I did not expect initially in the larger packages once I have used them over time and my experience with the software and my own bible studies advanced.
Hope this helps.
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Get Platinum and you’ll be all set for life 👍😁👌
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WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
Verbum Max0 -
James Polite said:
I plan on using Logos just for in-depth individual bible study.
Hmmm ... you're entering dangerous territory (smiling). The problem with Logos, is that your 'individual study' keeps growing (Logos is really helpful in that regard). I started out, only wanting a hebrew downloadable file I needed. 15 years later, my library is better than the one at Bible college when I graduated.
'They' used to advise, buy as big as you can afford. That was before lots of dynamic pricing. But DAL's advice does point the path. You'll end up there ... just a question of delaying your journey.
Edit: Not related per se, but last week I ordered a hard-copy set. It arrived, and me and the postlady struggled to lift the boxes at least to the porch. Only 27 volumes. So, from curiousity, I calculated the space my digital library would consume if hardcopy. It was awful ... floor to ceiling shelving, consuming our whole livingroom, and a pain to use. That's another reason digital books are dangerous ... they have no 'reality' constraints (beyond price).
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
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I spent a lot of time debating. Months and months. I waited for sales and have switched things out. Also, because it's for my benefit and those I encourage-- not a professional. What I have found is that it seems overwhelming at first, but you appreciate more with Logos as you put time into it. Here's why I would keep the Silver (and bought the Silver even after buying a denominational bent package).
The full features are behind the scenes (so that wasn't an issue for me as I had those, but there are some tools and such that get added at each level) but the base of getting "in" is the majority cost of the Silver level packages (that's a one time deal, everything else that are libraries and extras drop dramatically after you do this). Once you have the full features, you will find you might even add some of the super simple packages outside of your stream for super cheap on sale-- often there will be a few resources there that are interesting enough and end up being so super cheap. I think I picked up a Baptist starter for $12.
The Tyndale Set was why I bought the Silver even though I already had another package. It was cheaper for me to buy the whole silver than the best price that they had it on sale. The Dictionaries are very useful.
My last reason is one you might not appreciate, but I think serious bible students who haven't been to seminary can appreciate. You get one free Mobile Ed course when you buy silver. They also had a coupon a few months after where they offered a second one for Silver customers for $50. Long story short, I found out I love Mobile Ed courses for the most part now and am planning on learning at least basic Hebrew and Greek this winter. If you see a package of multiple courses you are interested in, there is a price drop as well when you already own part of it. Once I realized the value of Mobile Ed, though, I ended up getting many more courses when they had a recent package flash sale. So I did end up spending more in the end, but I believe the value is there. I am growing in my knowledge in leaps and bounds right now, praise God. I am someone who exhausted group bible studies in our congregation still longing for more meat.
Here's a tool that might help see what is overlap and what is unique.
And customer service is very good and patient.
You need to do what you feel comfortable with. I super researched the value in each thing I bought and there are a lot of things I have yet to dig into, but I am reminded this isn't a "just for now" thing and is an investment over the rest of my life and into the lives of others.
I had a bit of buyer's remorse as well, not because of the product, but because I didn't plan on spending a good deal of money initially and that is just a pattern with me on large purchases (God help me, I even fretted about when we bought a new car if we did the right thing). I started with the free base one and went to I think the $50 sale priced one (which I later learned was included in others and not dynamic priced so I could have saved that one).
I suggest maybe look at some of the resources you would be returning if you downgrade before making that decision.
All that being said, there are rumors that there will be a new version perhaps by the year end. Previous owners have said that current customers have had some generous discounts but also reshuffling on the packages to include some differing content. Not to add more to your thought process, but that is a possibility.
Many decisions I make, I pray about until I have peace. God is faithful.
I hope this is helpful.0 -
DAL said:
Get Platinum and you’ll be all set for life 👍😁👌
Until Logos 9 Platinum is released....
Post title reminds me of that scripture “Silver and Gold have I none,
but Bronze is what was gifted me . . .” or something like that from the Logos User Translation.
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Personally I have had one edition or another of Logos since 1992...starting with the Scholar edition. What I have found it is better to start with the entry level package (Bronze) then make additions as necessary as one learns what the most important resources necessary for effective bible study. There is always a justification and a company marketing pressure (imo) to ever purchase more items, bigger packages, and the newest updates being spit out by FL. The question in the end seems to be (at least to me) how much more money is left after the last "necessary" package since we can develop a payment plan to get that cash....just sign here please.
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Rene Atchley said:
package since we can develop a payment plan to get that cash....just sign here please.
Where do you want me to sign? [:D]
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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I do much like some have said.
I figure out what I can afford to spend.
With that figure in mind, I look at base packages. Additionally, I have a list of resources I would like. If a base package HAS those resources, and IS in my price range, then I purchase it.
I'm eyeing a package now that has the works of jonathan edwards [H] for WAY less than that collection on its own.L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,
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Lynden Williams said:Rene Atchley said:
package since we can develop a payment plan to get that cash....just sign here please.
Where do you want me to sign?
Lol...are looking you for the economy $10k starting minimum starter edition or our semi-deluxe $20K Useful edition (with most databases)?